Dear Human

Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and where you’ll return. You came here to learn personal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love, infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of…messing up. Often.  You didn’t come here to be perfect.  You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous, and then to rise again to remembering. But unconditional love? Stop telling that story. Love in truth doesn’t need ANY other adjectives. It doesn’t require modifiers. It doesn’t require the condition of perfection. It only ask that you show up, and do your best. That you stay present and feel fully. That you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU. It’s enough. It’s Plenty.

Author : Courtney A. Walsh.

Painting: Shelly Plenko


43 thoughts on “Dear Human

  1. I like this! Live our gift of life!

  2. ZenSoapbox says:

    This feels SO true!

  3. Thank you for my daily source of inspiration 🙂

  4. Valentina says:

    Some people go through life and never learn this.

  5. petit4chocolatier says:

    I love this!!

    I hope you don’t mind if I reblog your link on my reblog page?

  6. janeadamsart says:

    Oh yes, and again and again! Beauty isn’t a tidy parcel. Love spills out of the undone string.

  7. Nuria says:

    A little piece of heaven here…. I love it! Sometimes we all need to be reminded.

  8. Reblogged this on the guru in the room and commented:
    Sunday Brunch. Poached Posts. Valentine’s week special edition.

  9. aaremo says:

    i think I needed to hear that today. Thank you 🙂

  10. Another reminder that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

  11. ❤ Sindy, somethings are just so succinct! 🙂

  12. Ben Naga says:


    Eighteen it’s
    N away we go
    A-flirtin’ n a-flatterin’
    N a-flittin’s eve’where
    N a-skippin’ here n there
    N up n down n all aroun’

    N knocked sideway a-sudden
    At the view of this passin’ Phew!
    What a walkin’ stalkin’ potpourri
    N we think; stop n take a moment
    Of ourly freshly minted wriggly time
    Compose right sprightly unspoken memo

    Hormones run riot n rush of hot ink blood
    A notably knobbly wobbly feverish billet-doux
    Scribbled on the frantic crisscrossin’ roads
    Of two minds’ minds unwindin’ spools
    N the uncrossin’ of two by two knees
    Followin’ their foetid horehound fecundity

    Till two n two are makin’ merry, merry
    Unrequited? – Quite the contrary
    Pan n cut to cutesy foreplay
    Four teasin’ eyes in a blink of
    A wink of a twinkle toed uncurling lip
    N the blowin’ of a miriadillium
    Of sultry salt sharp kisses

    Signed away abandonment
    N cried with joy for a while
    N blew up n apart n away again
    N then cried again … in anguish now
    N yet always forgot n forgave
    N that also of course too

  13. I looove this post so much that I tried to make a song out of it. It is just a draft, sung once and never revised, so excuse the sound quality. If you like to hear it click here:

  14. your words hit me in the face then bounce off my smile! Thank you for you! & thank you for sharing your heart! Big love! Peace namaste my fellow warrior Goddess!

  15. debbie says:

    Thought this was an interesting perspective. We bring meanig into our own lives, it isn’t always an unanswered question. In the end family, friends, pets, hobbies and things that bring us joy seems to be the key. It’s a journey. If you find those to share the journey with and make memories with that make it worthwhile even when it’s hard, who/what keeps you going is the question. When my son was young, I kept going for him! Now what keeps me going is being of service in some way. Rescue work and my pets. Finding things to look forward to, ways to use my strengths. Just some thoughts on existential depression. Stuck in between chapters at the moment, but sometimes the crisis brings you to the answers for the next decade.

  16. Amy Campion says:

    Just getting to know you, poking around 😉 This article is wonderful. and needed right now. Thank you. Letting go of “perfection”
    “Love in truth doesn’t need ANY other adjectives”

  17. One of my favorite pieces. Beautiful.

  18. reocochran says:

    Perfect: love doesn’t need unconditional added to it. I liked this essay very much. I am looking for a form of messy, human love! Smiles, Robin

  19. Michaelle Tacoma says:

    I love it!

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