Signs of Spring

As I live in Arizona the joy of Spring is tempered by the onset of Summer. However the pre-Spring season is so beautiful here and I am sure in many places. The butterflies, the birds, the bees, soft sun and gentle breeze. Also I have a break from school -yippee!

I finished the quarter with a poetry project, trying to get teenagers to write poetry was literally like pulling teeth. However, I got a handful of good ones. I won’t be sharing any of them here but I will express my reaction to them. After the molar extraction three of my boys wrote love poems, needless to say I was impressed. A couple of decent love poems from the girls. They also wrote odes, some humorous and some sweet. This project ended just prior to the Parent Teacher Conference, where a couple of brothers were redeemed by the sweet poems they had written about their mother, she cried when the translator read them to her. My student looked at me like, thank you. Always good to write a poem about how much you love your mother before Parent Teacher Conference.

Six of my students will get to attend the literacy event at ASU as a result of their efforts and over Spring Break and I am creating a fabulous Spring Poetry Bulletin board display in the hall outside my classroom.

I also have to clean the garage, fun! (not fun) Enjoying the weather. Happy almost Spring everyone. Only three days left of Mercury Retrograde.

Painting: Monet

This was my 777th post

A Golden Gift


I am happy I have magical paradigm, one in which I believe. Just yesterday afternoon I had another visitor, a golden dragonfly. He or she positioned them selves on the branch of a Mexican Bird of Paradise with bright orange blossoms, so that the sun hit it perfectly and light it up like am LED light, like a golden gemstone emanating light. It would take off and return finding that same magical position, over and over. A very cool show. I wonder when others see these things if they too think of magic. Right before writing this I saw them again, this time they were flying in and around the fairy house.

I share this from another blogger, The Golden Dragonfly Society.

 Why the Dragonfly?

As a nymph the dragonfly does not impress.
But his transformation to flight is the best.
Agility and lightness on his wings
Foretells the happiness and joy he brings.
Flitting from side to side and up and down
He’s searching for something all around.
With eyes that provide unlimited vision
He serves as a symbol for self revision.
Shifting perspectives, we see different things
Like changing reflections from his flapping wings.
So he is a symbol for life’s transformation
And all that comes from self realization.
Who would have guessed that the dragonfly’s flight
Would mirror our search for the meaning of life!
— Some One

The totem for me is golden (Archangel Gabriel) as it was from the setting sun in the West, golden communications, transformation, and change. Have a blessed week.

It’s Good to Cry

My friend died and I cried. Someone said they did not shed a tear, because he was XYZ, in a better state, which, I totally agree with, and I am happy for him, however, it felt good to cry and mourn the loss of my friends avatar body. I believe we come into an incarnation for a number of reasons, but one of them is to feel, to feel elation, joy, cold water, to taste chocolate, to laugh, to suffer, and to mourn, all of these sensations. Crying releases toxins and I always feel better after a really good cry, for whatever reason, and I do not do it often. When I have a direct experience with source love, (most recently with the Lion People) and you are so overfilled with love you cry, the tears are cool and it feels amazing. You clean out your sinuses, and blow your nose. Crying is good in my opinion and nothing to be ashamed of. I love my dear transitioned brother and I too know that he is happy, light, and a powerful source of love to be reckoned with.

The Lion Star Race


Blog Birthday Bash



Blue Butterflies & Me is 7 years old today. Being as blogging started as a fluke, it has remained a consistent part of my life. it is also my first blog buddy’s birthday, Ody Mama, sadly she is too busy to blog, but I have her on the phone. Happy Birthday girl!

First year of teaching done, time for some cake.

Love you all! Thank you for being in my life.

Queen of All She Imagines

Always remember you are Titania the Queen of the Fairies. Well that is my mantra and I am sticking to it. Apparently Fairy Queens are not recognized everywhere they go. Pity. lol

Well, it’s summer and in Arizona that is not a good thing. Unless, of course, I was getting paid year round like a teachers salary, then I could travel elsewhere. The good thing about summer is that it is heading away from it. We have been sporting temperatures of 108, 109. But, I am grateful for air conditioning.

The graduate has been applying and interviewing for teaching positions, many which have already been filled by now. I should be panicked, and I sort of am. I had a dental emergency that cost me a week of searching. I had three interviews (two of which were panels) and no job offers yet. It has been two weeks since those interviews, so . . . .  I am still applying. I have never had interviews with this much at stake. I prepared and studied common questions, but I was honest and authentic. I am starting to get a complex.

I somehow know that all is well, yet fear and doubt remain. This leads me to my new regular visitors, the hummingbirds. I do not feed them as there food attracts wasp, but I have the water fountain on the corner of my patio, that they come and drink from. You can also watch them from inside as the fountain is by the kitchen window. So, I looked them up, I have blogged about them before,  but long ago.


Hummingbird symbolism

What’s Your Sign


It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol – further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity.

Hummingbird animal totem meaning is about energetic resources. These lovely creatures are a great reminder of how we expend our own energy. When hummingbirds show up in our lives, it’s a good time to take a look at our energy-stores and resources. hummingbirds warrant an honest look at how we are maintaining our vibrational frequencies. Are we frittering away our energy on needless issues (ie: worry, fear, lack)? Or, are we in a state of well-honed, regulated balance when it comes to our energy and resources?


I find that very fitting. I can fritter away a lot of energy with worry, fear, and lack. My African Love birds still visit as well. You notice I said “My” lol technically they are their own birds.

Drying Wings

I have been wanting to post but things have been crazy. Many of you are with me on Facebook so you have seen the Graduation, pics & post. For those of you who are not on FB with me I will tell you all about it. I was sick with a horrible cold for a week, my boyfriend was in the hospital (all well, no worries) and graduation was two weeks away. I got better and the following week I cleaned by badly neglected house, for my coming guest. I have never been so sore from all that cleaning, but it was so healthy. My friend, Queen Suzi, came to visit from Los Angeles and we had a great time. Graduation was everything I wanted it to be and more. It was a glorious occasion, aside from the headache I had all day, and I really had to pee. Nonetheless I stayed jubilant in the moment. My friends were awesome and gave me a great party, with music and pork ribs. They gave me cards, and gift card, and money! Friends sent cards and gifts of love from afar. A good friends sent me book from across the sea, full of poetic magic.  My boyfriend’s sister made me the most divine chocolate cupcakes imaginable. It was pretty cool beans, (if you know what I mean?) This was Friday, 11 May. Video, I am at 51:40 I think?

The following week I volunteered again at the ASU English department sponsored literacy event, Dia De Los Libros, with 450 local students. I had the opportunity to see my favorite professor, who write me an amazing referral letter, and it was fun, that was Monday. On that Wednesday I became a state certified teacher with all of my schoolmates at The Arizona State Department of Education. Then it was official. My ASU page say Degree Completed. I graduated with honors which I had worked for and I am proud of myself. I find educational accomplishment empowering. I feel confident that I am prepared for my profession.

Then the job hunt started, the first application took me two days, lol however it got easier from there. I am now preparing to interview, fun stuff. I am also thinking of teaching a couple of workshops in the near future. So yes, I have emerged from the chrysalis, and my wings are drying in the sun.

Today is Blue Butterflies & Me, 6 year Blogiversary!

And om birthday.

❤ Happy Birthday Girl ❤


Lucy Arnold

Dreams Allowed

It has been a bit since I have had a chance to post. The schedule of a teacher takes some getting used to. This post is a bit about everything. There is so much going on both in my life and on the planetary and universal stage. Expansion is occurring exponentially and I can see it in my day to day life, and through having a peripheral awareness of current events both secular and spiritual.

I am in Spring Break but it is only a break in my sleep schedule and that is all. I am currently studying for my state professionalism certification exam, which I could pass without studying but why chance it $80 and three hours of my time? I did take the weekend off from any school or teaching related activity, almost forgetting my weekly Reflection assignment to my ASU supervisor due every Friday night. On Saturday I just enjoyed the amazing mild weather we have in Arizona in Fall/Winter and Spring, sometimes. I messed around in the garden, fed the birds, had long talks with friends on the phone, and just chilled. My good friend, the talented Queen shared a video with me on Quantum Astrology that well coalesced all my theories and then some. This girl literally blew me away. I felt yet another layer of enlightenment and knowing. As Amanda’s says, Meru Matu is authentic and fresh. I will leave her links below.

After watching the video I spent several hours processing. All these various segments of information, mystical experiences, years of reading esoteric text, channeled information, and so on, began gelling into a new understanding of existence. In the last couple of months I have been so busy learning in practice which prior had been mostly theoretical regarding teaching, and now I am seeing theory into practice in quantum existence. It’s deep, and fun!

So today I began reading all those Education and Pedagogy text books I never read when in school, to study. Fun! Although extremely pleasant in the paradise that is my garden patio. The bird feeders are full and the kitty is fed and content and I am studying and talking to the parrots. The parrots cannot be seen but heard, so I talk to them and they answer. Then who I believe is the parrot I have named Brave Tweet, as he/she will come alone to eat, lands on the BBQ about a foot from where the cat is sitting in the chair at the table. I am sitting on the other side of the table and I am talking to the Tweet and watching the cat who is watching the bird. The parrot is super interested in me and I happen to have my phone, which usually scares them away, so I start filming. I move closer in hopes he/she flies away because the cat is so close. He/she will not. I stand and cross to where the cat is sitting and pick her up (which in itself is surprising that she let me) the bird doesn’t move, and I am still filming. It was so cool and I have proof. OMG my heart was on edge but it was amazing. If you are my friend on FB you can see the videos.

On Sunday, and after hearing Meru Matu’s talk I went to look at something on my natal chart and I miraculously could understand aspects of reading a chart that had baffled me on all prior investigations. Just the basics really but still it was different, like an epiphany or miraculous knowing. Sounds crazy but it was if if I went to do algebra and could do it. lol Reading my on natal chart was cool, and I must say accurate. It did give me a better understanding of things. I look forward to getting a Starseed lineage reading from Meru sometimes in the future.

I almost forgot the title . . . in a meditative state on Saturday I heard, “Manifestation is just removing blocks to allow for your destiny.” I got it. It takes no effort to manifest what we already possess. The challenge is to remove spiritual psychological, and ego created blocks like fears, and beliefs of inadequacy, and so on. I am the creator of my matrix that is being played by my higher self. I am the player, and the avatar in the game coming into an alchemical awareness. That is my understanding now, the same as before but confirmed.

So planning underway for graduation and getting a job. Love you all. Enjoy the expansion.

Sun Soul Astrology

Sun Soul Astrology Website

Meru Matu FB

Food for Thought

The Secret Origin of Humanity with Graham Hancock

Art by: Derek McCrea

Magical Melodies

Hello friends. The weather has been so lovely this weekend, and I had such a magical day, that I kept getting distracted with the parrots  still visiting and a gentle sun. I have a new phone, a generous gift from a dear friend. A lady that is always helping others. My student teaching is going well. I really love it there, and my students, and teacher. Now three months to graduation. I am so excited I am almost doing the Snoopy Dance, but I know I will cry on my last day with these kids. But I am still excited.

Oh and guess what? I read my poetry at a poetry slam for ASU, and Eddy accompanied me  on guitar. I was kind of surprised I did that. The most fun was mentoring the young poets.

Here is my Magical Melodies Playlist. Sorry but the music is not available on YouTube. Two Beatles and two ELO.

Magical Mystery Tour

Strange Magic

Strawberry Fields Forever

All Over the World

I miss you all and I hope my post finds you in a happy light .

Manifest Dreams

The lovebirds are daily visitors now to the backyard garden. Apparently they get along just fine with all the other species of birds that feast with them. I just counted nine of them, among the grackles, finches, pigeons, and sparrows. Such a miraculous delight to sit and watch these cutie pies fly their colors around like a frenzied artist at work. It is just indescribable.

Pretty Birds

Turquoise tail flips and cute head nods

Soft and Sweet




Looking forward to 2018, and to graduating from college. A goal that in my youth I thought impossible, Nothing is impossible. I just got the breakdown of my NES English exam, interesting, I did score well above the standard, but boy did I bomb in the poetry section. Meter analysis is just not my thing, I knew that going in to the exam lol, at least I know what I don’t know. I have studied it since the exam, and guess what? I still don’t, oh well.

I have a good feeling overall for everybody, and for world consciousness elevation. I still believe be the architect of your dream, build it, and it will manifest. Together we can believe an manifest the world of love, beauty, peace, creation, and harmony that we want to exist in.



Gwenn Seemel



Hip hip hooray, sister saves the day. Twenty days without a phone, it was weird. We are all so used to the security that we feel connected by the device. I think I took it in stride. Fortunately for me my sister had just moved up a generation on her phone from our ancient iPhone 4’s to a 5, so she gave me her old phone, thank the stars, just in time. I have a research paper to write among other things, and not being able to work at home is tough. Student teaching is all set, so yeah.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends, and those across the pond and beyond, I will be giving thanks for your friendships as well. ❤

New papers up at