Birth Happiness

Sibelius Violin Concerto

Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 5 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.
Happy Birthday
Blue Butterflies & Me
Happy Birthday om!
The birth of my blog has truly birthed happiness and good friends. Thank you all so much for not only supporting my blog, but for supporting me and my life. I recall making the journey alone from Louisiana to Arizona driving a U-Haul truck and pulling a car in high winds, but I knew that my blog friends were with me and keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. This amazing community has helped me grow spiritually, creatively and consciously. I have made some really great friends here, and I love you all.
Thank you all so very much~

Peacock’s, Pomp & Circumstance


Most of my blog buddies are friends on Facebook, so y’all are up to date. Graduation was fun, It felt like an accomplishment although it was just community college. Boy I love, love that school, and had such erudite professors, who are great teachers. As education is my major, I always got a twofer; I was learning say Literature, and watching their teaching style. All of the professors were there to congratulate us, and that was a cherished moment. Oh, and I got to walk to Pomp and Circumstance! (You can see it on my Facebook page.) Today I met with my ASU, Mary Lou Fulton Teaching College adviser, Chris, super nice guy. We took the light rail to the Tempe campus, so it was also an adventure. Parking is super expensive there, and I would get some exercise if I chose that method of transit. I am also considering taking my bike, if my knee is down with that. So more delays, I have to get my finger print card, I had no idea but I start teaching in a classroom my first semester, one day a week. Wow, jumping right on into this. Well that is pretty much it, things are flowing it a it better than that last month, my computer is in the shop yet again.

A special thank you to all my friends, and family for all the beautiful roses, card, parties, best wishes. . . it was really, really cool! I am blessed!

I am inspired by peacocks lately, and I know I have covered its symbolism before, as well, as Julianne, at Through the Peacock’s Eyes, and others, but I will include a bit here anyways.




Peacock Totem

The Peacock is here to remind that nothing, including beauty, should be taken too seriously. This will help you stay centered on what is and allow you to be grateful for what you have. Having a lighthearted approach to all things that come our way because laughter really is the best medicine to keeps us healthy and happy.

Alternatively this bird could be letting you know that now is the time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations within yourself. Use this birds gifts to bring you confidence, stature and a sense of accomplishment in all the things around you and all your current projects.

Read More: Spirit


Mercury Direct, Neptune, Saturn Retrograde

abstract-butterfly-for-cherie-monarchmodern-art-gallery-cat-dog-gmy-iphonesia-art-neo-art (1)oldschoolnative_whole

Oh my! Well friends thank you for joining me in the “Let’s Go Retro Blogging Challenge.” It has be an okay 3 weeks, and thanks largely to all of you posting an keeping it positive. The title expresses our next astrological happenings. . . I will refer you to this article, Mercury Direct, Neptune, Saturn Retrograde.


So for one more time ❤ my Awesome contributors~

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles

Eyes Of Odysseus

Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

The Cosmic Play

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor


Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I have been honored by your contributions


Retro Mood Music



 Happy Monday

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles

Eyes Of Odysseus

Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

The Cosmic Play

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor


Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I welcome your contributions


Revisiting The Crystal City

crystal_city_by_sejbyl-d6bb3uwForced Flower 2 Visual Alchemy10541885_636436993122313_3738360371286862221_nGalactik

 Chakra Healing

Namaste friends~ Whoa Saturday was sorta yucky poo. lol Really it was just not a great day at work and I am just so used to all good days, for the most part. Therefore there was an opportunity for an intentional mood adjustment. My mood was dark this afternoon and I did not like it, so, I worked on it once home and in the garden, and I heard my Archangel friend Michael, say, “Smile Sindy, just smile,” so I did, a moment later I am fussing about the day in my head, and I hear, “Smile” again. Well now you can’t help but to smile then, right?

Hours later at dark thirty, I am in the garden again and I talk to Source, and then ask AAM a question, and he told me to recall Sananda and the Crystal City. Immediately I see it and he tells me to go there often in meditation and be aware when there in sleep. He says I need the emerald orb room (well shows me) for my heart chakra.  I looked for the post I wrote when I was first there as I was thinking I hadn’t described it very well, but actually I had. It is here, City of Light. Then I went to find images, as crazy as it may seem I know if I have seen it, so has someone who paints or drawls. The bottom image is closest. It is like a Lalique crystal sculpture but a city with tall towers in which the crystal orbs can be seen. There are nice cafes there, so meet me on the astral for a coffee, or tea.

Here is a great article at In5d, The Spiritual Meaning of Color,

Thank you everyone reading and contributing to the Retro Challenge, it has been so fun. I created a Participation badge it is on sidebar, not harping just letting all know its there if you want it ❤ There is still 4 days if anyone wants to contribute, even if you already have.

Contributing to Sreejit Poole’s, The Sunday Wrap, at his blog, The Seekers Dungeon.


The Great Bell Chant

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles

Eyes Of Odysseus

Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

The Cosmic Play

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor


Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I welcome your contributions




Remember who you are. Who are you? Who am I? That has really been the big question all along. I suppose it depends on who you ask? When you ask them? It depends on beliefs, on illusions, and on theories. The Tibetans, and the Zen Buddhist monks may have a notion. You may have a notion too. The mirror work… still weird. I do remember as a child of say 10,  looking closely into a mirror almost eye to eye, staring deeply into my pupils and asking “who are you?” I had a notion that I wasn’t in Kansas anymore.  I recently shared a post on Facebook by my blogger gal pal Trina, at Akosmopolite, that blew me away. She does her best to tell you about her Ayahuasca journey. I can tell you I saw radiance on my sister. It looked to me she had seen beyond the veil. I am anxious to see what unfolds from her journey. I was truly moved by it. Trina didn’t opt in either, but I am adding her to the Retro Challenge.

So… I like to stay fluid in my perception of who I am, and who you are? I choose to be trans-dimensional in existence. Everyday life still is but it is usually pretty darn good. The image above inspired me. I have no idea who the artist is, sorry. It reminds me of my meditation journeys and some of the things I see and feel. Magic is all around us. The angels constantly show me, as I constantly ask to be shown signs. I feel a vibrational wave of love and awakening moving over the Earth. If I am delusional, I hope I remain so.

I just finished my burning bowl ceremony in the garden under the strawberry moon. It felt magical.


The Great Bell Chant

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles

Eyes Of Odysseus

Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

The Cosmic Play

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor


Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I welcome your contributions


Cosmic Review


 Cosmic Odyssey

A blogger friend, and artist Lucas Merker, at The Cosmic Play, allowed me to share his art. Visit his blog to see all his transcendent pieces.

We also have this amazing Strawberry Full Moon today. I enjoyed reading about it here at, Cherokee Billie blog. I have done burning bowl just usually at Gong Meditations with Jeanette, but I have done them at home. I am going do a burning bowl ceremony tonight. May we all be blessed~

The mirror work felt uncomfortable, More on that later. I do not think we can hear The Great Bell Chant too may times.

The Great Bell Chant

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles

Eyes Of Odysseus

Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

The Cosmic Play

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I welcome your contributions


Dream Retrospective



Dreams seemed to be a reoccurring theme today, a new friend blogger, Amy and her blog The Dream Well    joined in the Let’s Go Retro Challenge,  and her post is below. That was first today, and then my friend mentions have met me in a dream, which reminds me of a prominent dream and it’s current manifestation in the waking world.

 I only recently started taking the freeway to work, (recall the recent speeding incident) well, I always take it home but never took it going. Okay a long preamble, or ramble, there is an express overpass for the carpool lane, on the freeway, and coming off it was when I got stopped. The express overpass is almost surreal as it heads into a lone blue sky. The first time I was on it, I was disoriented, or enchanted, but I din’t know why. It was probably the second or third time before the dream came to mind. A couple years ago when briefly living in Louisiana, and before I had any idea of moving to Arizona I had this dream.

In the dream I was on this sky highway that sloped in curves like a roller coaster in the sky. I remember feeling light and happy in the dream. It has been awhile so I only recall fragments of the dream out of sequence, the overpass is straight from the dream. In this dream I met Kieth Richards who was riding a chopper on a curvy desert road. I recall an amazing rock arch and another good friend, who just this last weekend was in the desert at an event. That is about all of the dream I can remember but I had other dreams of the desert at that time. That might have influenced my decision to move to Arizona. The collage in the third art piece really reminds me of the dream which was like a “Doors” song.

Thanks to all of you for contributing your incredible post in the Retro challenge. I created a Participation badge if you want for your blog in my tool bar ❤


~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles

Eyes Of Odysseus

Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I would love your contribution


 Art top & bottom

Laura Hollick

Reflection Redux


 Ho’ oponopono Prayer Meditation

Mirror, mirror on the wall? Ms. Judy Moon recently titled a post on her blog Wellness Seeds. Although Judy has not chosen to opt into the “Let’s Go Retro Challenge” I am opting her in. lol

Judy talk about Louise Hay’s Mirror Technique, where you look into the mirror and say, “I love you!” or any number of positive and affirming things. Judy was beginning a 30 day dedication to this technique, and I thought, “What a great idea!” So. . . I propose a challenge within a challenge, wrapped inside a challenge. Okay I got carried away there. But starting tomorrow, June 1, I am going to commit to do this mirror work. Why not? Right? For some reason combining this with the Ho’ oponopono Prayer comes to mind. I love to do metaphysical experiments, for example, “affirmations,” if you do them diligently you get results, I have done this on 3 different occasions in my life. So as a metaphysical experiment I commit to doing this and Qigong. I have been doing Qigong but I have missed a day here and there. That won’t do. 30 days to create a habit. Let’s see what happens.

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles


Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Wellness Seeds

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I would love your contribution




The Great Bell Chant

 Recently I heard a Tibetan Buddhist monk speak. In this radiant presence I was sleepy, so relaxed, I even said I was bored. I was not in awareness. He had a beautiful smile, and dimples, his voice was velvety. he spoke on…..oh wait….I don’t remember. Why? I was not in awareness.  However I was affected. Over the next couple of days I would stop and reflect on things he had said, his energy had inspired me. Even that night he said one thing that I needed to hear, he said and I paraphrase, “Say that you are having a really good life, but you do not do good deeds. Like money in the bank, if not replenished the good karma runs out.” I was like dang! I have a pretty good life, I don’t think I do enough good deeds. I am not a self-sacrificing person. Maybe I should be? lol

Last week I got stopped for speeding on the freeway. I was cool and apologized for driving 15 miles over the limit. I did not get a ticket but a written warning. So now I must be very “mindfull with the foot pressure on the petal.” I was very thankful.

So if you feel like joining in the “Let’s Go Retro” blogging challenge please do! It can be a reblog, but doesn’t have to be. You can write a “Re” lated post with a “Re” word theme. Making Mercury Retrograde a positive experience for us all. Oh, and I created a Participation badge, it is on the tool bar <<<< see it. Please take it and display it if you wish to. ❤

~Let’s Go Retro Challenge~


 litebeing chronicles


Soul Fields

Fiesta Estrellas

Sophia’s Children

Not Just Sassy on the Inside

Me, My Magnificent Self

Not Just Sassy on the Inside (II)

The Seeker’s Dungeon

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary

Through the Peacock’s Eyes

The Dream Well

Walking My Path

Sammi Cox

I would love your contribution



Smile it’s good for you.