16 thoughts on “Dragonfly Days

  1. stunning thank you for sharing beauty……its so healing and calming…..

  2. Two beautiful video’s an excellent guitar player at such a young age.. Lovely to see him blossom..
    I have seen two Dragonflies Sindy last week.. and that is strange for me where I live.. I normally only see them when walking near water… So I am happy they showed up as I am transforming my life at the moment so they confirmed it for me.. That I am on the right path!
    Enjoy your weekend x

  3. This was nice, to write to, which I did. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, have a good weekend! Shalom, Daniel

  4. Trini says:

    Oh, so magical! 🙂

  5. i like his art too! great talent. inspiring.
    o and om

  6. Hi Sindy — really enjoyed this one. The dragonflies are so beautiful. Haven’t seen them in Morocco but we have some awesome locusts!
    The musician is one of several very gifted young people I have seen lately on YouTube. They demonstrate abilities that are normally associated with people who are older in years. I know that they are helping to raise the frequency of Humanity just by the enjoyment they seem to get from sharing their gifts, as well as the enjoyment their audiences experience. Love to you, beautiful soul, Alia

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