Awakening Reflections


The Air That I Breathe

Barbara Franken at Me, My Magnificent Self, has issued a challenge,  This is a follow up to a challenge two years ago where we were invited to write about our awakening experiences. Barbara created an e-book from the posts, and ask for an update. Thank you Barbara.


The Angel

Guarded by an Angel mild:

Witless woe was ne’er beguiled!

And I wept both night and day,

And he wiped my tears away;

And I wept both day and night,

And hid from him my heart’s delight.

So he took his wings, and fled;

Then the morn blushed rosy red.

I dried my tears, and armed my fears

With ten-thousand shields and spears.

Soon my Angel came again;

I was armed, he came in vain;

For the time of youth was fled,

And grey hairs were on my head.

William Blake


February Challenge…

Inspiring Others by Our Own Awakening Experience

Things are moving rapidly in the realms of creation, and manifestation. Its rather incredible.The awakening, not only of myself, but the world, which has exponentially accelerated in the last two years, or since we last visited our “Awakening Stories.” In my exploration of Quantum Thinking, I have come to realize that we can in fact create, do, be, whatever we choose to do, be, do, be, do. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. The incident of joking with my sister regarding going back in time to break Thoreau’s legs, as I was forced to read the long essay, “Walking,” and subsequently the next day injuring my knee so I couldn’t walk. It was a very powerful, and transcendent lesson. In Quantum Mind there is no time, no joke. I learned from the injury on so many levels. I learned something I now call “Practical Gratitude.” We all know that Gratitude, is a key, key element in manifesting our hearts desires within the realm of our life purpose (manifesting the good stuff, happiness). I first of all gave mad respect to that small ligament that when working allowed me to do so much, like, walk, get up from a chair, get, out of the bed, cross my legs, bend my knee. . .the list goes on. Gratitude indeed, and more respect for my body, and grateful when I am healing. As we all can be in the process of healing, it is a process. Healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As we continue to unwind the trappings of illusion, undefining ourselves, and our world, and allowing expansion from our heart center. . . things are just getting better, and better. If must, we deny the obvious negative, unless of course that is your desire, then by all means keep it. However more, and more I am seeing, and experiencing a cosmic expansion. I believe that we are in fact emerging from our chrysalis, damp, and new ready to explore the world in our new being. With wet wings I stretch them out to dry in the sun, and at the first breeze I take off into the sky, above the trees.

Life has its challenges, and I feel that is part of the game, and why we are here, to spiritually, physically, and emotionally transform with alchemical processes. We are amazing, life and creation is amazing. Love yourself everyday, and say thank you for something. I love you.



Tomorrows post in challenge:

Laurie’s Notes

32 thoughts on “Awakening Reflections

  1. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature says:

    Yes, gratitude. It is a key for sure. Beautifully inspiring, Sindy.

  2. IAM flying with you… with wet wings stretching out to dry them in the sun, and at the first breeze we take off into the sky, above the trees. I love your expansion these last 2 years… QUANTUM… and I love you and have so much gratitude for your being. Love Barbara x

  3. Dewin Nefol says:

    Hey SS,

    Both tender and heart-felt, your writing is a treasure to read, and the Hollies number a delight to listen to. In combination with Blake’s dreamy prose and the imaginative choice of your accompanying artwork, your post is inspired and inspiring. Thank you for publishing a great piece of work. 🙂

    Perhaps I now sense a continuation to Lucille’s unfolding story as she leaves the chrysalis and takes first steps along a new path…

    ‘With wet wings I stretch them out to dry in the sun, and at the first breeze I take off into the sky, above the trees.’ Wonderful J

    Fearless hearts and self-discovery,
    follow woeful hearts and tragedy,
    as lost innocence and memory,
    departs with youthful company.


    Journey far beyond your wildest dreams,
    and hold your Quantum state.
    Fly high above the rolling waves,
    and touch the hand of fate.


    Sail out across far-reaching skies,
    upon new wings of silky blue.
    Soar freely over billowing clouds,
    and embrace the intentional you


    Glide as the Queen you’ve always been,
    and never stop your flitter.
    Float as a mote with Kingly rayz,
    and never stop your flutter!


    ‘Twas not in vain the Queen once wept
    upon her feathered pillow.
    Gods’ emissary heard soft tears fall
    and led her to Neptune’s fellow!


    So look no more behind the doubt,
    or dwell upon your fear.
    Your path is laid before you now,
    and the way ahead looks clear.


    Like you, I thoroughly believe the world is changing for the better even if it might sometimes appear to always be an event happening tomorrow. And that change does indeed start with each and everyone of us. It is our personal choice to change what can be changed in our own spheres for the better, accept graciously the circumstances that cannot be amended, and reach out to others to inspire them to do the same. The ability to create our own future through wilful resolve and the application of healthy honest intention, love and gratitude is both honourable and morally principled. WordPress offers tremendous scope and exciting opportunity to participate creatively in this wholesome endeavour and to actively promote the virtues of a better, brighter and more harmonious world. As creative Bloggers, artists, writers, poets, and filmmakers we are capable of achieving great things for the benefit of all.

    Thank you for this awakening reflection and the thoughts it promoted. Perfect 🙂

    Hope y’all have a wonderfully creative and fruitfully productive Sunday!

    Namaste SS 🙂

    DN – 28/02/2016

  4. Thank you profoundly for taking time (I know you) to write me such a considerate comment. Where is the poetry from? Is it yours, or Blake’s? After that fact (making the post) I looked at it and saw a slight homage to the angel/mermaid image, right? Did you see a correlation I wonder? lol 😀 All of us here and Word Press in our enclave of friendship, truly value you Dewin, so we all love it when you are present here with us. Don’t go a missing so much, but I know it is because you are writing, at least I hope.

    Thanks for always being my friend, and for being so very supportive.
    Graduation in 2 years, so you promised to come.


  5. Karin says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. Especially the incident about getting a leg injury after joking about breaking Thoreau’s legs is a powerful story which can teach us so much.
    Thank you!

  6. Dewin Nefol says:

    Hey SS

    Aww, you say the sweetest things, thank you 🙂 The poem is mine but it added little to the quality of your post, which was Quantum Blessed and sparkled without it.

    I adored Blake’s hypnagogic poem, but then I admire all of his work. ‘Witless woe’ – amazing! What inspired magic ran through his quill to pen such nuggets of gold! Reading an analysis of Blake’s poem was very revealing and helped greatly to define aspects of my own poem. Words such as ‘lost innocence and memory’ and ‘feathered pillow’ allude to Blake’s dominant themes.

    Yes, I do indeed recall the beautiful image of the Angel and Melusine 🙂 It was entrancing. How could I deny its power and presence entering my thoughts…and yet, giving it a little more room to breathe than I may have done before. I have a much better understanding. Motes 🙂

    ‘All of us here and Word Press in our enclave of friendship, truly value you Dewin, so we all love it when you are present here with us’. Thank you so much! I love spending time with everyone in our enclave. Their friendship, and that of your own of course, has been of tremendous support and invaluable in more ways, and on more occasions, than I could possibly remember. Beautiful people one and all, extending such kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness, and offering encouragement and inspiration so sincerely. Such companionship is treasured. I know I have benefited enormously and expanded as a result of having ‘met’ everyone. I really wish I had far more time to spend with you all, and will try to limit the duration of my perambulatory ways accordingly…sometimes it’s difficult to know just when to stop walking and start heading back on a return path: there’s so much out there to see! Thank you for your very kind thoughts. Long may we all continue to be blessed by the friendships we have forged. 🙂

    ‘Graduation in 2 years, so you promised to come!’ Sindy Simms, I’d not miss your crowning glory for the world, you know that. A promise is a promise, and I can’t wait to see the size of your smile when they call your name to step up and receive your scroll! 😀

    Have a wonderful day in the sunshine.

    Take care always in all ways for always.


    DN – 01/03/2016

  7. Michael says:

    I feel the same way, Sindy. We are emerging from the chrysalis, and the cosmic expansion is afoot. For the past day or two I had found myself reflecting– in the car, walking from place to place, etc.– that this feeling of goodness could just keep expanding. Going on and on… We will see. But it feels the opportunity is there to get on board…


  8. Dayna says:

    The butterfly has long been a symbol I associate with my transformation even though I feel it is only now that I have crawled out of my cocoon and am preparing to fly. Thank you for sharing your story. We will all soon be flying together into the sun.

  9. Earth Angel says:

    Hey Sindy I entered this challenge this year! {first seeing the challenge on your blog} Just got done with my post…as with you the challenge of being still (after injury) and being released from illusions, I saw 78 patients in two weeks and said to a friend who was visiting Maui. I am working to much and feel like its killing me….Next day “the first time in 10 years (2 times in 30 years )I got to experience massive flu symptoms and come home early from work. Telling myself create something more pleasurable next time you want time off. My head is still working this through, as I am being with my choices. HA! Just laughing through the symptoms. May your knee heal and your heart sore my friend Thank you for ALWAYS being a inspiration for me!
    Heart to heart Robyn

  10. Earth Angel says:

    OK girl I think I fixed it! They had updated my annual blog and I had to make the connection again! I would not have caught it so Thank you! Let me know if you still have problems again You know how both of us LOVE WordPress sometimes!

  11. Earth Angel says:

    Yea I saw that link was out also. Now my( FACE picture link) seems to be working! fickle that it has been! ha! hopefully that is working now for you. If not I will ask wordpress for support tonight. loves Robyn

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