Eight Eight Lion’s Gate

28 Newlionsgate-portal-888-201528 reversedHappy Birthday to US!

From the plethora of information I have read, watched, and listened to, from my own intuitive, spiritual visions, and experiences that I am witnessing, of this uber and awesome paradigm shift. My summer has been a dozy, I don’t know about you but whoa! I have not had a stress free moment before last Monday when my residency issue was resolved at school. I wasn’t even sure I could go to school this semester, but I persevered. I guess I did deserve “The Diligent Diva Award” bestowed on me by The Education Department, and my advisor Julie, at Mesa Community College, because I am kind of surprised I had that kind of fortitude in me. Now I start school at Arizona State University in 2 weeks, I can hardly believe it is actually happening. I am very excited and a little scared and nervous. (Nervous laughter, and tears) I am really excited for the evolution on the world stage, I see it, I feel it, and I am so excited.

 This is a memorable day as my kitty Buster died on 8/8/2006, which would be triple 8’s. My new kitty, Sphinxy, an outdoor calico stray, got pregnant, had 5 kittens, which I captured and raised for adoption, 2 boys, Prince Fu, and Frankie Blue, were adopted together, and 3 girls, Princess Zebe, OMG, and Kamiko went to a rescue and I know they are well. We had to trap Shinxy to get her fixed, and that was an ordeal, but she came out great. I learned so much and got so much kitty love during that time.

So release the Old. Bring in the New! So much synchronicity, and so much magic. With that said I will share a couple of links regarding the 8/8 Lion’s Gate~

The Lion’s Gate 2016 New Beginnings

Doreen Virtue Angel Messages for August 8-14, 2016

Divine Manifestation Portal

The 88 Energy of August 8

8-8 Lion’s Gate Activation

I will add more as I come across or relocate what I have already read.

Namaste, Love you guys ❤

Wow I say, “so much” so much.

10 thoughts on “Eight Eight Lion’s Gate

  1. Hi Sindy!

    How are you? I’ve been thinking of you and wanted to say hi as it’s been ages since we last exchanged comments! I’m a bit worried that you were put off visiting my blog by a comment from one of my blog’s followers, so if you were offended I apologise on his behalf. The person in question is very friendly but he can be quite direct. Maybe I’ve got the wrong idea but just sharing my thoughts 🙂

    I’ve actually given my blog a revamp with a new theme and there’s lots of new content on there too. So if you get a chance, stop by, and I hope we will stay in touch moving forward…

    Lots of love and blessings to you!

    Steven x

  2. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature says:

    So glad about you residency issue!! Yay you! Great post. Lovely art.


  3. Exciting times are upon us for sure… enjoy your summer… Love to YOU x Barbara

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