Flashback Friday

Happy Friday? Well if you are happy add your good vibes, and if you are not happy, please take some good vibes. As I have been home for 3 weeks now I am for one feeling the change in lifestyle, both positive and negative, mostly positive. I don’t know about you, but I have been in reflection and experiencing a somewhat life review.

I am of the mind that I create my reality, all of it. When we as humans catch a cold, and I am not talking about CV-19, just a common cold or flu, it makes us stop and pause all daily activity. This seems to be a time we we all globally have to take a pause from our daily mundane routines, and perhaps relax. Also, and most importantly, a time to create. Create in any and all mediums. So, that all sounds so serious but the happy side for me in the creation of my reality process is matching vibrations, selecting a memory that gives me the emotion that matches the outcome of my new reality.

For example, music. We all associate memories and emotions to songs, or music. In my last post I shared The Bee Gees, and I recalled that time, working in the crowded disco after Staying Alive, came out in the theaters. A vivid flashback of the men in their white suits, and blue shirts, with gold chains at the open neck, spinning ladies around the lighted dance floor.

One of my happiest memories occurred at age 13, sometimes in the summer of 1972, tanned and thinking I was so cute in my short navy blue kolats (skorts), and white off the shoulder peasant top. Going to our local park (one of the only places a young teen could go to socialize), early evening, watching baseball, eating corn dogs, swinging under the tall pine trees. The associate song is of course.

Saturday in the Park


It could be a cool blog challenge if anyone wants to play? Make a Flashback Friday blog post with a positive memory and song. Link me and I will link you back. Let’s all reconnect, I for one, have a little time now.

Tag you’re it! 

On a spiritual note, and astrologically, tonight there is a conjunction of Mercury and Neptune and from what I read a powerful manifesting energy. I am not an astrologer, so I will leave that to one of them. I just resonated with the information and then I saw a planned global meditation. Let’s empower ourselves, get into our happy places, and do this.

Saturday, April 4

Global Peace Meditation 10:45 p.m. EST

This is a guided meditation you can used at the scheduled time.


“Hippy Chicks”

Ke Robinson

Go visit her and buy her art!

World Turning


Happy New Year!


Happy New Decade!

World Turning

What will we create? Have we developed a broadened concept of co-creating our existence? Are we even real? Many a question I have pondered in this remarkable last year. My current beliefs are definitely mutable and in flux. I have always been open to changing, or expanding what I believe. However, I can become extremely dogmatic and passionate about a belief. Now, however, no matter what my current belief about existence, I am open and not at all dug in.

Portals have been of interest in so many ways. I taught my students Through the Looking Glass last quarter and in an endeavor to get them to use a lens I showed them videos of quantum physics and alternate realities. I believe this is a topic many of us enjoy exploring.

Is the World a Simulation


Parallel Universes

Mirror Universe

I want to write a literary analysis through that lens (pun intended. Without a grade at stake I don’t know if I will actually get around to writing it. I am working on a fairy tale and it is going swimmingly (unknown pun intended).


Let’s co-create our new year with joy, gratitude, peace, and love. Let’s evolve together.

A Golden Gift


I am happy I have magical paradigm, one in which I believe. Just yesterday afternoon I had another visitor, a golden dragonfly. He or she positioned them selves on the branch of a Mexican Bird of Paradise with bright orange blossoms, so that the sun hit it perfectly and light it up like am LED light, like a golden gemstone emanating light. It would take off and return finding that same magical position, over and over. A very cool show. I wonder when others see these things if they too think of magic. Right before writing this I saw them again, this time they were flying in and around the fairy house.

I share this from another blogger, The Golden Dragonfly Society.

 Why the Dragonfly?

As a nymph the dragonfly does not impress.
But his transformation to flight is the best.
Agility and lightness on his wings
Foretells the happiness and joy he brings.
Flitting from side to side and up and down
He’s searching for something all around.
With eyes that provide unlimited vision
He serves as a symbol for self revision.
Shifting perspectives, we see different things
Like changing reflections from his flapping wings.
So he is a symbol for life’s transformation
And all that comes from self realization.
Who would have guessed that the dragonfly’s flight
Would mirror our search for the meaning of life!
— Some One

The totem for me is golden (Archangel Gabriel) as it was from the setting sun in the West, golden communications, transformation, and change. Have a blessed week.

Dare to Dream

Hello friends. I am enjoying a much needed Fall break. Now in a state of reflection, and a bit early for Mercury Retrograde, but re-evaluation. I stumbled upon this series of videos by this film company, Anthony Chen productions, and at first watching some amazing NDE stories. The first one I saw was with Jeff Olsen, and it was truly inspirational. One lead to another which put all Chen’s videos in my feed.  I have felt an uneasiness of late and consider it could be hormonal? However, I am intuitive and I do not like to dismiss my feelings and instincts. So I reflect, I try and reflect without self-judgment but also with self-responsibility and ownership. I do believe my world, my life, and my feelings, are all what I make them. Therefore if I feel uneasy, why?

In my reflection I think, “So, what now? What is the next step toward happiness, life purpose, and expansion?” I feel like I have slipped into the mundane while dealing with realistic, everyday existence. Not okay, and not enough. I wish to be able to function optimally whilst performing a human daily existence. I should be performing from a higher perspective.

This morning I was exploring grad schools and exploring degrees in my old passions, The Arts, and theater. At the same time this video “Dare to Dream“, with Marc Allen, started playing as it lead from another video, as I was reading up on degrees in Children’s Theater, I didn’t even see the title. Marc wrote and discusses his theory The Core Belief Process, from his book “The Greatest Secret of All,” which is as simple as 8 questions (excerpted from his blog):


This activity can help you deal with any difficult situation or problem in your life. All it requires is answering these questions as honestly as you can, either in your head or on paper:

  1. What is the problem? Just describe the situation, for a minute or two.
  2. What emotions are you feeling? Just name them, in a word or two. Is there fear, frustration, anger, guilt, sadness? Sometimes just the act of naming the emotions will be enough for you to let at least some of them go. At other times, you have to go through all the steps of the process before your emotions shift.
  3. What physical sensations are you feeling? Take a minute to tune in to your body. Briefly describe what you feel happening physically.
  4. What are you thinking about? Take a few minutes and say out loud or write down what has been going through your mind. Is there a repetitive stream of thoughts you’ve been having lately? What are those recurrent thoughts?
  5. What is the worst thing that could happen in this situation? What is the worst-case scenario that you can imagine? If that happened, what would be the very worst thing that could happen to you? It is good to shed some light on your deepest fears, because you come to realize that the chances of those deep fears actually being realized are very slim indeed.
  6. What is the best thing that could happen? What would you like to have happen ideally? What is your ideal scene for this area of your life?
  7. What fear or limiting belief is keeping you from creating what you want? Now we’re getting to the core of the problem: What fear or limiting belief can you identify? State it as simply as you can — the simpler, the better. I’m a fool with money… I don’t have what it takes…. It’s so hard to succeed…. It’s all so stressful and unhealthy….
  8. What affirmation can you come up with that counteracts that negative or limiting belief? Put it in directly opposite words, if you can. Play with it until you find an affirmation that feels good to you and speaks to you in your own unique way. I am sensible and in control of my finances…. I am creating total financial success…. I am now creating abundance in my life…. I am living the life of my dreams, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way.
  9. Say or write your affirmation repeatedly over the next days, weeks, and months. Write it down and put it in places where you see it often. Repeat it—or repeat them, if you have several—in the mornings and throughout the day whenever you remember, especially when doubts and fears arise, as they almost surely will. When you repeat it enough, it will become more powerful than your doubts and fears.

When you go through this simple process, startling changes can start to happen almost immediately. You don’t have to believe the process works as long as you see it working in your life, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way.



I am unsure about grad school, or even which degree to pursue if any, but I want to have a limitless scope of dreams.


Addendum: I had actually intentionally went to check out the video “Dare to Dream,” as it had been playing as I slept the night before and I wanted to know what had gone into my subconscious. Therefore the material already had an expansive influence on my morning attitude. I did not tell the story wrong on purpose. lol

A Visitor

Hello everyone. Lots of love. Life is good. This afternoon while sitting on the patio chatting with my sister, I flipped out as something large flew by my head. I turned to see a blue dragonfly chilling on the ironwork of the metal outer door. It sat there, and sat there, just a foot away from my chair. It is still very hot in Arizona so I had the misters on, I thought perhaps it was just getting some water. Once I decided to go in, a good 6 minutes later I slowly opened the door but it remained there. It was so close to me, they are beautiful and have big heads. lol


Dragonflies take on the role of spiritual guides for us. They are powerful yet graceful – even in high wind. They show us how to navigate life’s storms with confidence and ease. They motivate us to let go of whatever holds us down or holds us back.


They also mean change and transformation. A clear sign for me and my sister.

It’s Good to Cry

My friend died and I cried. Someone said they did not shed a tear, because he was XYZ, in a better state, which, I totally agree with, and I am happy for him, however, it felt good to cry and mourn the loss of my friends avatar body. I believe we come into an incarnation for a number of reasons, but one of them is to feel, to feel elation, joy, cold water, to taste chocolate, to laugh, to suffer, and to mourn, all of these sensations. Crying releases toxins and I always feel better after a really good cry, for whatever reason, and I do not do it often. When I have a direct experience with source love, (most recently with the Lion People) and you are so overfilled with love you cry, the tears are cool and it feels amazing. You clean out your sinuses, and blow your nose. Crying is good in my opinion and nothing to be ashamed of. I love my dear transitioned brother and I too know that he is happy, light, and a powerful source of love to be reckoned with.

The Lion Star Race


Berry Blue & Bunnies Too

Frankurt Radio Symphony

Happy Fertility Ritual, or Happy Ishtar to you. Spring is thriving in the magical garden, fairies abound. The energy and weather was great today, I for one really enjoyed the day.

Without an in-depth comparison between more Pagan celebrations and that of Christians, and Jews, let me say, I love you all, no matter which Spring holiday you are celebrating.

Rebirth and the renewal of life . . . oh glorious Spring.

Atlantis is rising and we are the age of Aquarius~

For your perusal~


Hidden Origins

The Nature of Reality

Gerald Clark & Rex Bear

Casey Playlist

Did you know that you can dye eggs with blueberries?


My Constipated Cat & the Universe

Hello friends. It has been awhile. Teaching is hard and long hours, but I love it. Sometimes, I don’t love it. lol I am almost half way through my first year, not that I am rushing it. It is almost surreal having your dream manifest before your very eyes. I mean yes, I did the work: I went to school, I graduated and I took the test. I guess what I am saying is, you can do whatever you set your mind to. If I can do it, anyone can do it. My siblings, and myself, were raised by a high school educated single mother, and I did this in my early 50’s gradating at 60, and now 61.

Now to the constipated cat. My kitty is a stray, an outdoor cat. I would not call her Ferrel, because she is just too domesticated. I think I wrote about her getting knocked up a couple of years ago, then I raised her babies to adoption, and had her fixed. So she will let all of us pick her up and she will come through the house but she does not want the door closed. being an outside cat, how would I know when she was, or when she wasn’t going poo? She started acting strange and talking, and trying to poo in front of me, for several days. Finally I consulted a friend, who told me hairballs could cause constipation and to give her oil. Since she had this problem for days I decided she needed a good dose of oil. I decided on my favorite, coconut oil, which I dosed her with for three days. I think the problem is solved. Coconut oil is my cure all, that garlic, and rubbing alcohol.

And now lets switch channels to the universe. All I can say is wow, just wow! I am seeing things revealed in ways I always knew were true. Things coming to mass consciousness, light shinning on everything, and some real ugly truths are also being brought up and out. Humanity can be low, because it has been asleep and controlled, but, no longer. I am seeing amazing things unfold from every aspect from the mundane to the miraculous, to the mystical. This has been one great ride. I don’t believe in any way that my job is done here, but I can say that I am fulfilled. I am blessed and grateful. I wish happiness and good health to you all.

Cha Cha Changes?

The full moon in Aries has been brutal but beneficial. My life appears to be on track but boy has it been difficult, for like five months now. Is it ever going to let up in intensity? Lol. One thing I have learned about myself through all of this is that I am stronger and more resilient than I believed I was.

So at school today my framed diploma that is (not yet hung), fell over and broke my green, good luck, Chinese cat statue. Seriously! One of my favorite, adorable, students shouts “Karma” from across the room, which clearly it is. It is as symbolically interesting as the time I saw my first scorpion and killed it with the heavy volume of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Except, this time does not really feel like a positive. I went to what I considered the best source to help me explain this symbolic occurrence, the iChing. The readings are usually spot on, cutting to the core of the matter, this readying is no exception. I digress below is the reading, It was very deep and a bit intimidating.



As I mentioned in my last post, according to the ancient Hindu text, The Rig Vedas, the world is approaching an end to the Kali Yuga. This will usher in The Golden Age. I understand that everyone that reads this post may not agree, or follow in my thinking, but I share it because I feel that it is very good news. As there is an ending, there will be a beginning. The world is going to change dramatically for the better for all mankind, and hopefully, the animals, the Earth, the oceans . . .

People that watch the news and believe what they see and hear are directed to believe the worse. If you want to see The Golden Age, then begin to see it, be it, and create it. But, it is happening, and it is happening now before our very eyes.

The legend of the great King Arthur said that he would return one day, much like Christians believe that Jesus Christ will return. Perhaps they overlap, or are, one in the same, I do not know. What I am 100% absolutely sure of with every light fiber of my existence, is that we are here to witness a great day of awakening. It has been foretold in myths and prophecy’s, and while that offers no absolute, it is part of our collective consciousness, or construct.

I have more to say, but I am going to leave it here for now. I leave you with a song, and a great article on the July 27th Lunar Eclipse.

New World Coming


Prepare Yourself

Peace & Love



Charles Ernest Butler