Flashback Friday

Happy Friday? Well if you are happy add your good vibes, and if you are not happy, please take some good vibes. As I have been home for 3 weeks now I am for one feeling the change in lifestyle, both positive and negative, mostly positive. I don’t know about you, but I have been in reflection and experiencing a somewhat life review.

I am of the mind that I create my reality, all of it. When we as humans catch a cold, and I am not talking about CV-19, just a common cold or flu, it makes us stop and pause all daily activity. This seems to be a time we we all globally have to take a pause from our daily mundane routines, and perhaps relax. Also, and most importantly, a time to create. Create in any and all mediums. So, that all sounds so serious but the happy side for me in the creation of my reality process is matching vibrations, selecting a memory that gives me the emotion that matches the outcome of my new reality.

For example, music. We all associate memories and emotions to songs, or music. In my last post I shared The Bee Gees, and I recalled that time, working in the crowded disco after Staying Alive, came out in the theaters. A vivid flashback of the men in their white suits, and blue shirts, with gold chains at the open neck, spinning ladies around the lighted dance floor.

One of my happiest memories occurred at age 13, sometimes in the summer of 1972, tanned and thinking I was so cute in my short navy blue kolats (skorts), and white off the shoulder peasant top. Going to our local park (one of the only places a young teen could go to socialize), early evening, watching baseball, eating corn dogs, swinging under the tall pine trees. The associate song is of course.

Saturday in the Park


It could be a cool blog challenge if anyone wants to play? Make a Flashback Friday blog post with a positive memory and song. Link me and I will link you back. Let’s all reconnect, I for one, have a little time now.

Tag you’re it! 

On a spiritual note, and astrologically, tonight there is a conjunction of Mercury and Neptune and from what I read a powerful manifesting energy. I am not an astrologer, so I will leave that to one of them. I just resonated with the information and then I saw a planned global meditation. Let’s empower ourselves, get into our happy places, and do this.

Saturday, April 4

Global Peace Meditation 10:45 p.m. EST

This is a guided meditation you can used at the scheduled time.


“Hippy Chicks”

Ke Robinson

Go visit her and buy her art!


As I mentioned in my last post, according to the ancient Hindu text, The Rig Vedas, the world is approaching an end to the Kali Yuga. This will usher in The Golden Age. I understand that everyone that reads this post may not agree, or follow in my thinking, but I share it because I feel that it is very good news. As there is an ending, there will be a beginning. The world is going to change dramatically for the better for all mankind, and hopefully, the animals, the Earth, the oceans . . .

People that watch the news and believe what they see and hear are directed to believe the worse. If you want to see The Golden Age, then begin to see it, be it, and create it. But, it is happening, and it is happening now before our very eyes.

The legend of the great King Arthur said that he would return one day, much like Christians believe that Jesus Christ will return. Perhaps they overlap, or are, one in the same, I do not know. What I am 100% absolutely sure of with every light fiber of my existence, is that we are here to witness a great day of awakening. It has been foretold in myths and prophecy’s, and while that offers no absolute, it is part of our collective consciousness, or construct.

I have more to say, but I am going to leave it here for now. I leave you with a song, and a great article on the July 27th Lunar Eclipse.

New World Coming


Prepare Yourself

Peace & Love



Charles Ernest Butler

Magical Melodies

Hello friends. The weather has been so lovely this weekend, and I had such a magical day, that I kept getting distracted with the parrots  still visiting and a gentle sun. I have a new phone, a generous gift from a dear friend. A lady that is always helping others. My student teaching is going well. I really love it there, and my students, and teacher. Now three months to graduation. I am so excited I am almost doing the Snoopy Dance, but I know I will cry on my last day with these kids. But I am still excited.

Oh and guess what? I read my poetry at a poetry slam for ASU, and Eddy accompanied me  on guitar. I was kind of surprised I did that. The most fun was mentoring the young poets.

Here is my Magical Melodies Playlist. Sorry but the music is not available on YouTube. Two Beatles and two ELO.

Magical Mystery Tour

Strange Magic

Strawberry Fields Forever

All Over the World

I miss you all and I hope my post finds you in a happy light .

Listening Love

Listen What The Man Said

For me this article goes beyond astrology and regards conscious loving listening.


April Elliott Kent’s Big Sky Astrology

Gemini Full Moon: The Gift of Listening

When my friend’s son was small, he talked incessantly. Born with Venus in loquacious Gemini, he jabbered constantly about stories he’d read or what he’d seen on television that morning. His mother is a patient woman, but eventually the sheer quantity of words wore her down. One day, she recalls, driving along with her child chattering away in the passenger seat, she suddenly couldn’t take any more. “Could you please just stop talking for one minute?” she begged her small son. “And immediately,” she told me, “his little eyes filled up with tears. I couldn’t have felt more awful!”

Few feelings are as wounding as not being listened to, especially by those we love. In his book The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck characterizes true, attentive listening as one of the greatest gifts of love we can offer another person – and one of the most difficult. There are times when it’s easier, of course — in the first flush of passion, when your loved one’s every utterance is like honey, or when your toddler is first learning to talk. But to really listen even when you’re not in the mood, when you’re heard the same story a dozen times, when you’re worried about something else, when there’s nothing in it for you personally – that’s hard work.

It’s most difficult to listen when people talk about things you don’t want to hear, things that challenge your worldview. Each year at Thanksgiving, with the Sun in Sagittarius – the sign of beliefs – many family tables are minefields, as we tap dance around topics that we know will invite controversy. The December 3, 2017 Full Moon falls in Gemini, the sign of enthusiastic chatter as well as attentive listening. It falls a couple of weeks too late to lend conversational sparkle to your Thanksgiving celebration, but in plenty of time to deconstruct it. How much loving attention were you able to muster for the bombastic uncle, the long-winded grandmother, the cousin’s  political tangent? Were you too busy trying to be heard to really listen to anybody else?

When we give up pretending that we know everything, we free ourselves to learn from what other people have to say. And if we turn off the cell phone and stop texting for two minutes, we might notice that the woman sitting next to us in the doctor’s waiting room looks scared to death and might be grateful for someone to talk to. Listening – that simple gift of attention and love, like holding open a door for someone leaving a store as you’re entering – makes the world feel a little kinder, a little more civilized.

In public, watching everyone around me texting away and ignoring everyone else, and I wonder how in the world they ever met the people they’re texting with. Cell phones have become like little force fields we carry to neutralize exposure to strangers. They allow us to tune out the raucous conversation of the young men loitering on the corner, but also to ignore the old woman asking for directions to the bus. We are in worlds of our own, jealously calibrating the flow of conversation that has the power to lubricate the gears of a trying world.

The world and its people can indeed be trying, and perhaps we can be forgiven for taking refuge behind the white noise of iPods and banal cell phone conversations. Too easily, though, inattention becomes a habit that persists even at home among those we love, and that’s a problem. Love, as Peck notes, is not just a feeling, but a verb. It’s something we do, a bit of spiritual theater we enact through actions large and small. And listening, even when we don’t feel like it, is a small but powerful act of love. That’s what my friend recognized that day in the car, when her unwillingness to listen made her son cry. She took the lesson to heart, and made up her mind from that day on to give her bright boy the gift of her listening.

The Sun’s annual passage through Sagittarius blesses us with insight into our most cherished convictions. When we tap into our Sagittarius power, we may feel the urge to proselytize about our beliefs; caught up in our own thoughts, we are likely to forget that others see the world quite differently. The Full Moon in Gemini reminds us, simply, that listening – bearing witness to another’s reality – is a sacred thing and a loving act. Listening connects us to one another – and it enriches not only those who are listened to, but also those who listen to them.

©2002, 2017 April Elliott Kent

April Elliott Kent’s Big Sky Astrology


Thanks Queen Suzi


Art by:

Sanjay Tandekar



Hip hip hooray, sister saves the day. Twenty days without a phone, it was weird. We are all so used to the security that we feel connected by the device. I think I took it in stride. Fortunately for me my sister had just moved up a generation on her phone from our ancient iPhone 4’s to a 5, so she gave me her old phone, thank the stars, just in time. I have a research paper to write among other things, and not being able to work at home is tough. Student teaching is all set, so yeah.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends, and those across the pond and beyond, I will be giving thanks for your friendships as well. ❤

New papers up at academia.asu.edu

Ask Alice

White Rabbit

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next.

Lewis Carroll

Hello everyone. I hope that everyone is well and prospering. Just four and a half weeks left of classes, then semester end, January Student Teaching. Things are happening so quickly. So guess what I was reading last weekend? Come on you will never guess. Okay, yes, I was reading Alice and Wonderland, or Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the original title. Oh and she (the professor) wants us to use a Psychoanalytical lens, never done that before (joking of course), however there is so very much to analyze I had to find one thing to focus on, and one that has not been done to death. I still have a bit more writing to do to unpack just this one aspect. I do not think that I had actually ever read it. Crazy stuff. I liked reading that Alice Liddell was incessant that Carroll write the story down, as he would just tell it to her and her sister. So we really do have her to thank for it. Alice Liddell needed money towards the end of her life, and had to sell the manuscript that Carroll had gifted her.

So, my darling sister send me this today, our horoscope for October 24, 2017

Your perceptions are accurate and your reasoning is shrewd. Nevertheless, you may tumble down a rabbit hole of doubt if you mix up facts and fantasies today. There’s nothing wrong with meandering along a stream of consciousness if you know when to step back onto dry land. Fortunately, your daydreams widen your vistas of possible futures. Exploring many alternative realities increases your chances for success as long as you can keep your eyes on your destination.

Tarot.com Rick Levine Astrologer

I will share a link when she gives me one. Lots of love everyone. Face your shadow, bring it to the light and forgive anything and everything. Dream of paradise.

“Feed Your Head”

Mercury Re Re Re


Well now, I got a jump on it. Reorganizing, and redecorating, my library, so exciting to get all the books in order. I am building my classroom library for next year when I start teaching. School starts next week and I have not be Susie Homemaker this summer, I have been Sindy Reads A Lot. So I am getting things clean and orderly before BAM, so much schoolwork. lol

Here some Mercury Retrograde (Aug. 12 thru Sept. 5) links for you.

Under Pressure

Trust Me Babe

Affect on the Signs

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo


Rediscover~ Relocate~Redesign~Renew~Rebel



Birth Happiness

Sibelius Violin Concerto

Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!
You registered on WordPress.com 5 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.
Happy Birthday
Blue Butterflies & Me
Happy Birthday om!
The birth of my blog has truly birthed happiness and good friends. Thank you all so much for not only supporting my blog, but for supporting me and my life. I recall making the journey alone from Louisiana to Arizona driving a U-Haul truck and pulling a car in high winds, but I knew that my blog friends were with me and keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. This amazing community has helped me grow spiritually, creatively and consciously. I have made some really great friends here, and I love you all.
Thank you all so very much~

Visualize Peace

The Great Bell Chant

Gayarti Mantra


Hey Happy Spring everyone. I am so very busy with school that I hardly have time to blog, but I cannot imagine ever abandoning it. In one more month I will complete my first year at ASU and I will be a senior, Yay! I can hopefully catch up with all my wonderful friends here then. I have had the opportunity recently to work with Special Ed students and oh what a joy they are to work with, however my passion is Language Arts, speaking of which Grammar is brutal, a little better than Algebra. We have been making stepping stones with cement and my garden is more enchanting than ever.

My good friend Dewin has developed a blog, Gallybloggers designed to assist the homeless with your poetry contributions, so please visit his blog and support his noble efforts.

I do not watch the news or television and visit Facebook rarely however I heard there was winds of war, so my peace loving heart invites you to join me in visions, prayers, and meditation for peace.

May everyone be happy.

May everyone be safe.

May everyone be well.

May everyone feel love.

May everyone be nourished.

May everyone be fulfilled.

May everyone be at peace.
