Berry Blue & Bunnies Too

Frankurt Radio Symphony

Happy Fertility Ritual, or Happy Ishtar to you. Spring is thriving in the magical garden, fairies abound. The energy and weather was great today, I for one really enjoyed the day.

Without an in-depth comparison between more Pagan celebrations and that of Christians, and Jews, let me say, I love you all, no matter which Spring holiday you are celebrating.

Rebirth and the renewal of life . . . oh glorious Spring.

Atlantis is rising and we are the age of Aquarius~

For your perusal~


Hidden Origins

The Nature of Reality

Gerald Clark & Rex Bear

Casey Playlist

Did you know that you can dye eggs with blueberries?


Twas the Night Before Yuletide

Happy Holidays friends: Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas, and New Years. I taught my students about Yule and we learned all about Krampus, (I had no idea) the demon who takes naughty children to the underworld. My dear friend, and amazing photographer, Dagmar shared the Yule poem below. I had never heard this, I only know the American one. This is so much better. Peace & Love to you all.



Twas the night before Yuletide and all through the glen

Not a creature was stirring, not a fox, not a hen.

A mantle of snow shone brightly that night

As it lay on the ground, reflecting moonlight.

The faeries were nestled all snug in their trees,

Unmindful of flurries and a chilly north breeze.

The elves and the gnomes were down in their burrows,

Sleeping like babes in their soft earthen furrows.

When low! The earth moved with a thunderous quake,

Causing chairs to fall over and dishes to break.

The Little Folk scrambled to get on their feet

Then raced to the river where they usually meet.

“What happened?” they wondered, they questioned, they probed,

As they shivered in night clothes, some bare-armed, some robed.

“What caused the earth’s shudder? What caused her to shiver?”

They all spoke at once as they stood by the river.

Then what to their wondering eyes should appear

But a shining gold light in the shape of a sphere.

It blinked and it twinkled, it winked like an eye,

Then it flew straight up and was lost in the sky.

Before they could murmur, before they could bustle,

There emerged from the crowd, with a swish and a rustle,

A stately old crone with her hand on a cane,

Resplendent in green with a flowing white mane.

As she passed by them the old crone’s perfume,

Smelling of meadows and flowers abloom,

Made each of the fey folk think of the spring

When the earth wakes from slumber and the birds start to sing.

“My name is Gaia,” the old crone proclaimed

in a voice that at once was both wild and tamed,

“I’ve come to remind you, for you seem to forget,

that Yule is the time of re-birth, and yet…”

“I see no hearth fires, hear no music, no bells,

The air isn’t filled with rich fragrant smells

Of baking and roasting, and simmering stews,

Of cider that’s mulled or other hot brews.”

“There aren’t any children at play in the snow,

Or houses lit up by candles’ glow.

Have you forgotten, my children, the fun

Of celebrating the rebirth of the sun?”

She looked at the fey folk, her eyes going round,

As they shuffled their feet and stared at the ground.

Then she smiled the smile that brings light to the day,

“Come, my children,” she said, “Let’s play.”

They gathered the mistletoe, gathered the holly,

Threw off the drab and drew on the jolly.

They lit a big bonfire, and they danced and they sang.

They brought out the bells and clapped when they rang.

They strung lights on the trees, and bows, oh so merry,

In colors of cranberry, bayberry, cherry.

They built giant snowmen and adorned them with hats,

Then surrounded them with snow birds, and snow cats and bats.

Then just before dawn, at the end of their fest,

Before they went homeward to seek out their rest,

The fey folk they gathered ‘round their favorite oak tree

And welcomed the sun ‘neath the tree’s finery.

They were just reaching home when it suddenly came,

The gold light returned like an arrow-shot flame.

It lit on the tree top where they could see from afar

The golden-like sphere turned into a star.

The old crone just smiled at the beautiful sight,

“Happy Yuletide, my children,” she whispered. “Good night.”


Poem author C.C. Williford


Clare Bertram

Beneath the Sea

That public library is constantly feeding my book addiction. How can I pass up great hardcover books for 50 cents? I picked up a book from 2002 by Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization. I was reading the Greek Myths again from another source. I will get back to those soon as there are shorter stopping points. This Hancock book, although not really an easy read, has sucked me in. One thing I learned that I did not know was that archeologist, linguist, historians, and all academic scholars had ascribed the Rig Veda and Sanskrit to some “supposed” Aryan Indo-European invaders. That is just so typical of the Old Dead White Man club. It was finally refuted and accepted as not the case by scholars by the year 2000. But really?

The Hancock book is about antediluvian cities holding humanities lost history. It is also very informative on understanding the history of the sacred Hindu text. The mythical city of Dwarka is supposedly under the sea now due to the big deluge. The city was founded by Krishna to protect his people from constant war. It could only be reached by sea, however it is said that it was attacked by vimana. There are a few links below on Dwarka Lord Krishna’s Golden City.


So it is very amusing when I read my daily horoscope this morning and read this.

A visit to the dark realms of the Underworld doesn’t frighten you as much as it does others because you always have alchemical Pluto working in your corner. One of your attractions to emotional intensity is the fact that it draws you into the hidden mysteries and away from the obvious. However, your current quest could bring a surprise that throws you off track and into a discouraging place. Nevertheless, your regenerative powers are strong and there’s little to fear now.

Reading about the Yugas, which is something that had just slipped my consciousness for some time now, I decided to check when we would reach the end of the Kali Yuga. The Kali Yuga which is sort of nasty and tumultuous. Hancock’s website said 2025, I like that yet another said 2082, I think I will be gone by then.

The history and richness of our past intrigues me and lures me in. I have not had dream recall in a long while, but the first night after reading I dreamed I was excavating at a pyramid. I could feel the sand and heat. I have been swept so far into the past and now I must come back. there are things to do and people to see. Reading this book has triggered in me memories of other places and times, and I believe that this is so in the collective, or genetic memory of all humanity.

I have a really big week ahead of me, so I am going to have to put down the very thick Hancock book, which is already 16 years old by now anyways.  It is fascinating and educational, I recommend it, if you have time. Wish me luck big interview early Monday morning, and subsequent ASU STEM camp this week.

Related links:

Kali Yuga

Dwarka: The Golden Children

Graham Hancock


The Mysterious Origins of Civilization


Edited to add: I go from posting this to finish watching a video of Meru Matu and at 26:30 as soon as I started watching, she says vimana.

Timeline Jumping

Moon Mythology

Forever the book pilgrim today I discovered a little treasure for 99 cents, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, written by, Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould 1834-1924 Edited by, Edward Hardy (1987). Below is an excerpt from The Man in the Moon myth. The book illustrations are all Albrecht Duer.


In Scandinavian mythology Mani, the moon stole two children from their parents, and carried them up to heaven. Their names were Hjuki and Bil. They had been drawing water from the well byrgir, in the bucket Soegr, suspended from the pole Simul, which they bore on their shoulders. These children, pole and bucket, were placed in heaven ‘where they could be seen from earth’. This refers undoubtedly to the spots on the moon, and so the Swedish peasantry explain these spots to this very day (1866) as representing a boy and a girl bearing a pail of water between them. We are once reminded of our nursery rhyme:

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

This verse, which to us at first sight seems nonsense, I have no hesitation in saying has a high antiquity, and refers to the Eddaic Hjuki and Bil. The names indicate as much. Hjuki, in Norse, would be pronounced Juki, which would readily become Jack; and Bil for the sake of euphony, and in order to give a female name to one of the children, would become Jill. The fall of Jack and the subsequent fall of Jill simply represent the vanishing of one moon-spot after another as the moon wanes.

But the old Norse myth had a deeper significance than merely an explanation of the moon-spots. Hjuki is derived from the verb jakka, to leap or pile together, to assemble and increase; and Bil from bila, to break up or dissolve. Hjuki and Bil therefore signify nothing more than the waxing and waning of the moon, and the water they are represented as bearing signifies the fact that the rainfall depends on the phases of the moon. Waxing and waning were individualized, and the meteorological fact of the connexion  of the rain with the moon was represented by children as water-bearers.


Baring-Gould, S. (1987). Curious Myths of the Middle ages. (E. Hardy, Ed.) New York: Crescent Books.


Krishna showing Yasoda the universe in his mouth.

Hello friends and readers. It is HOT here, how about you? A steamy 111 degrees. Thanks for air conditioning. Other than being hot it has been a very informative day. Do you have those days where the information just pours in? Because I am on vacation from school I have the luxury of time. Today it has been largely associated with Quantum thought and theory etc. . .


The concept is derived from the Sanskrit root, prama (प्रमा) which means “correct notion, true knowledge, basis, foundation, accurate notion”. Thus, the concept Pramana implies that which is a “means of acquiring prama or certain, correct, true knowledge” (Wiki).

First up a cool documentary, “We are living in a simulation” very scientific, yet entertaining.

Next quantum food for thought an article, “How does quantum physics work, you may ask, what is it, and where does it come from?”

Also another article, “Scientist Now Believe the Universe Itself Maybe Conscious




Birth Happiness

Sibelius Violin Concerto

Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 5 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.
Happy Birthday
Blue Butterflies & Me
Happy Birthday om!
The birth of my blog has truly birthed happiness and good friends. Thank you all so much for not only supporting my blog, but for supporting me and my life. I recall making the journey alone from Louisiana to Arizona driving a U-Haul truck and pulling a car in high winds, but I knew that my blog friends were with me and keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. This amazing community has helped me grow spiritually, creatively and consciously. I have made some really great friends here, and I love you all.
Thank you all so very much~

Archons, Dominions &Thoughts that Run Wild


Archons, Dominions and Thoughts that Run Wild

By Julian Websdale

Friday, July 11, 2014

There is a simple premise in esoteric literature: thoughts have power. Even modern science accepts that behind the structure we know as the material world is a web of energy, and the interactions between different types of energy create the semblance of solidity we call matter. Thought, then, as a form of energy, has the same power. This is why in so many traditions there are admonitions about controlling the thought process, while thinking and doing are still different things, thinking does have its effects.

Clairvoyants of many persuasions have seen and documented the shapes and forms produced by various types of thought; witness the work of Charles Leadbeater. While many of these forms are fleeting, when empowered by the emotions and by memory they become more than just thoughts, they become thought forms.

These thoughtforms exist beyond simply when they are thought – they take on an independent existence within the mind of the thinker. They then influence memory and condition our perceptions of everyday life. We may want to see these thoughtforms as only existing within the psyche of the neurotic or unstable, and yet all of us have our lives conditioned by the thoughtforms we have created in the past. For most people they never see the present unfiltered, all experience is sieved through thoughtforms created from childhood, and even beyond through past lives.

Meme: (pron. ‘meem’) A contagious idea that replicates like a virus, passed on from mind to mind. Memes function the same way genes and viruses do, propagating through communication networks and face-to-face contact between people.

David S. Bennahum

Thoughts however go much further. As documented in much modern research on Memes, thoughtforms can become like viruses of the mind. They can spread throughout groups, families, nations and indeed the world and are passed through the deeper levels of the unconscious we all experience. Rumors, tales and urban myths are all memes or thoughtforms. While they may be primarily passed by the printed word, internet, media, etc., there is a time when they reach a certain “saturation point” and then become part of the collective unconscious. This is exceptionally dangerous as negative and violent forms can control groups and crowds creating mob violence and aggression. These group-minds are really thoughtforms out of control, and are known in the Gnostic Tradition as Archons. There are multitudes of Archons dwelling both within our minds and within the collective unconscious.

Not only can Archons exist in the unconscious collective mind, they can create a breach into the astral worlds through which fallen spiritual entities can then move into the earthly spheres and control the thoughtforms created. The Archons are the products of mankind enlivened by fallen spirits and fed by our own emotions. They can control and influence individuals, collectives, even nations and governments.

In Gnostic literature these Archons can so increase in power that they become Dominions, forces which control whole groups of people; even races and countries. People of many religions think that they are worshiping the I-AM; however they are actually feeding a false god, an Archon they have created from their own ignorance. This happens all too often and is why the esoteric tradition is imperative.

Without the guidance of esotericism, many will be caught within the web of exoteric (outer) religion. Fundamentalism, cults, literalism, extremism are all products of incorrect readings of the spiritual tradition. When these groups develop, their thoughtforms take on a life of their own and, not being connected to the “real” energies of the Great Chain of Being, they soon sour and become a nexus for the manifestation of fallen entities from the astral worlds.

These fallen spirits work out of step with the universe and invigorate these forms so that they become independent, discrete fields of energy within the astral world (Archons). They grow from Archons to Dominions and rule from their astral kingdoms. Their poor and unfortunate worshipper’s think they are following the “true god” but are actually feeding monsters created from mans suffering and ignorance. Many of these forms feed on suffering, while others feed on pleasure, and they amplify the emotions of their members to gain more and more sustenance. In some sense they are truly “spiritual vampires”, and without esotericism, all religions and traditions succumb.

(They took…) The name of those that are good and gave it to those that are not good, so that through the names they might deceive him (mankind) and bind those to those that are not good.

Nag Hammadi Gospel of Phillip 54:18-25

The imagery of Archons is very strong in Gnostic literature, and because it has become mixed with tales of cosmological dualism, many have come to believe that the Archons are the result of a cosmic error or fall. The reality is that there was no cosmic error, just a misinterpretation caused by ignorance. Yet at the same time this ignorance has created a doorway through which fallen forms can enter and it is these Archons, or whatever we call them, which keep us from appreciating our own misperceptions. Indeed, it is through our own permission that they enter the earth sphere. This is the idea which gave birth to the “fall of man” tradition. Since man in his ignorance created fallen thought forms and allowed fallen entities to enter into the earth stream, then ultimately man is responsible for the present condition of his planet, his culture and his soul.

The issue of Archons is complex for there is an interaction between our own thoughtforms and real fallen astral entities. The thoughtforms allow these entities to interface with our own unconscious. They can change form according to the language of the culture through which they communicate and, being a mixture of our own thoughtforms and “fallen” spirits, can mimic our own hidden desires and needs. While in Medieval periods we may have had demons, incubus and succubus, in the present we have aliens, UFO abductions and medical experiments by creatures we cannot see. In the modern mode, these Archons are sometimes called “ultraterrestrials”. However we must realize that these forms are spiritual in origin. Although there are many other races within our universe, it does seem that a percentage of UFO sightings and experiences reflect our own fears, terrors, needs and desires and hence have an Archontic origin.

The world is the work of lowly powers which, though they may mediately be descended from Him, do not know the true God and obstruct the knowledge of Him in the cosmos over which they rule. The genesis of these lower powers, the Archons, and in general that of all the Orders of being outside God, including the world itself, is the main theme of Gnostic speculation … The universe, the domain of the Archons, is like a vast prison whose innermost dungeon is the earth, the scene of man’s life. Around and above it the cosmic spheres are arranged like concentric enclosing shells. Most frequently there are seven spheres of the planets surrounded by the eighth and of the fixed stars…

The religious significance of this cosmic architecture lies in the idea that everything which intervenes between here and the beyond serves to separate from God, not merely by spatial distance but by active demonic force. Thus the vastness and multiplicity of the cosmic system express the degree to which man is removed from God…

The Archons collectively rule over the world and each individually in his sphere is a warder of the cosmic prison. Their tyrannical world-rule is called Heimarmene, universal Fate … [This universal fate] aims at the enslavement of man. As guardians of his sphere each Archon bars the passage to the souls that seek to ascend after death, in order to prevent their escape from the world and their return to God.

The Gnostic Religion, Hans Jonas

So when we read a description of Gnosticism such as that found in the classic text The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas, we must appreciate that the seeming cosmic dualism is actually a dualism between the real and the unreal, between the light of the higher worlds and forces which have been created through ignorance. They are like “monsters from the Id”, they seem real enough and since the physical world is shaped and formed by our perceptions, they are for all intents and purposes real. The only way for us to escape Hiemarmene (universal fate) is to realize that we have created the prison bars ourselves.

What a tragic world this is, he reflected. Those down here are prisoners, and the ultimate tragedy is that they don’t know it; they think they are free because they never have been free, and do not understand what it means. This is a prison, and few men have guessed. But I know, he said to himself. Because that is why I am here. To burn the walls, to tear down the metal gates, to break each chain. Thou shalt not muzzle the Ox as he treadeth out the corn, he thought, remembering the Torah.

The Divine Invasion, Phillip K. Dick. HarperCollins 1981

For we contend not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness.

Ephesians 6:12

While the Archons and the Demiurge are creations of man’s ignorance, they are used by the fallen spirits as a source of power. This is one of the major problems with the Archons we create – they attract forms and spirits which are themselves in ignorance and hence follow them.


The Institute for Gnostic Studies. (1997-2000). The Gnostic Handbook. [e-book].

Source: Julian Websdale
Via: The Event Chronicle

Notes from the BB (Me)

Having spent ten years in a Gnostic school, I can say that this article sums up a lot of the mystery teachings quite succinctly. But I believe this is of uber importance for people to understand. It isn’t light reading. ❤




Dawn Saunders

What You Will



This image is owned by The Baltimore Museum of Art; permission tGotan Project

In the last week of classes for this semester, and what a whirlwind it has been. So much work, but so much fun. I guess I just love school. I had to say goodbye to the 8th grade Honor’s English class where I interned. You get attached to those humans, my mentor too. My internship was really a great experience and it allowed me to see I enjoy teaching. I have several unfinished Signature Assignments yet to turn in but they all have designated time to complete, so I will be fine.

The fantastic art of Matisse is integral to my third and final paper for Mr. Shakespeare professor. He has been so challenging, but ultimately well worth it. For our third paper he wants a critical analysis of our production choices in directing, and producing one of three plays; IV Henry, Twelfth Night, or Othello. I have chosen to produce (on paper for now) Twelfth Night, well I am actually using a framing device and I am having Gertrude Stein produce Twelfth Night, on January 6, on the Feast of the Epiphany, in the current year of 1916. I will create a prologue where the Fitzgerald’s will inform the audience through their discussion. Gertrude has decided to mount the play on a dare from Matisse. Stein will be playing Maria, who in this production desires her lady, Olivia, and has a punishment Matisse must play Malvolio. Olivia will be played by French actress, Musidora. I am time-traveling baby, yeah! The rest of the play is cast but for the purposes of the paper I am focusing on this sorted love triangle. The characters will be introduced in scene transitions with a tango leitmotif. I don’t want to say more as I could plagiarize myself as the paper is yet to be submitted. I am having a blast writing this paper. So Au Revoir for now. I will be free in a week. Oh and Mr. Shakespeare professor gives a final exam, and not an easy one, part 2 has an on spot viewing an a 5 paragraph spontaneous critical analysis essay. Yeah. Wish me luck. lol


Top: Dishes and Fruit~Matisse

Middle: Woman With Hat~Matisse

Bottom: Still life with compote, apples, and oranges~ Matisse



Galactic New Year

diy-fluid-watercolor-abstract-artIndian Meditation Music

 Based on the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, the Galactic New Year is always July 26~

The Galactic New Year on July 26th, 2016
launches us into The Blue Spectral Storm Year!

I Dissolve in order to Catalyze Releasing Energy
I Seal the Matrix of Self-Generation
With the Spectral Tone of Liberation
I am Guided by My Own Power Doubled.

In terms of the Galactic Frequencies, this year has much intensity in store for us! The energies of The Spectral Storm may not always be comfortable, but we can be assured that this year is bringing a Storm of Liberation, catalyzing necessary changes that ultimately allow for greater well-being. We are reminded to embrace and celebrate purification, catharsis, and upheaval as cleansing forces that clear the way for regeneration and renewal. Let us trust in the constructive de-construction process that may unfold this year. Let us welcome a new circulation of energies, rejoicing as it brings new configurations and empowering breakthroughs.

This is the Time to access the force of your inner spark as your ultimate source of power; to unleash the lightning of your soul; to be the calm eye of the storm amidst potent inner and outer transmutations and shifts of all kinds!

The vibration of Spectral is here to liberate us into new realms of possibilities by urging us to allow energy to travel as it needs; to embrace seeming chaos; to release rigidity, control, and fixations; to dissolve old structures and routines; to shed limitations, fears, and identities from the past.
This is the Time to welcome a new freedom, and celebrate the emergence of a greater, full-spectrum wholeness!

The Blue Storm Year calls us to be awakened Thunderbeings; agents of electric passion and purpose; alchemists of energies; empowered self-generators; embodiment’s of stillness dancing; lucid World-Changers living from our centers of calm resilience.

As we spiral through this annual cycle, allow the codes of Galactic Time to keep you connected to your center; to guide and inform your journey wherever it takes you; and to help you see the unfolding events of this world through the lens of cosmic evolution…

Article @ The Galactic Calendar