A Golden Gift


I am happy I have magical paradigm, one in which I believe. Just yesterday afternoon I had another visitor, a golden dragonfly. He or she positioned them selves on the branch of a Mexican Bird of Paradise with bright orange blossoms, so that the sun hit it perfectly and light it up like am LED light, like a golden gemstone emanating light. It would take off and return finding that same magical position, over and over. A very cool show. I wonder when others see these things if they too think of magic. Right before writing this I saw them again, this time they were flying in and around the fairy house.

I share this from another blogger, The Golden Dragonfly Society.

 Why the Dragonfly?

As a nymph the dragonfly does not impress.
But his transformation to flight is the best.
Agility and lightness on his wings
Foretells the happiness and joy he brings.
Flitting from side to side and up and down
He’s searching for something all around.
With eyes that provide unlimited vision
He serves as a symbol for self revision.
Shifting perspectives, we see different things
Like changing reflections from his flapping wings.
So he is a symbol for life’s transformation
And all that comes from self realization.
Who would have guessed that the dragonfly’s flight
Would mirror our search for the meaning of life!
— Some One

The totem for me is golden (Archangel Gabriel) as it was from the setting sun in the West, golden communications, transformation, and change. Have a blessed week.

Berry Blue & Bunnies Too

Frankurt Radio Symphony

Happy Fertility Ritual, or Happy Ishtar to you. Spring is thriving in the magical garden, fairies abound. The energy and weather was great today, I for one really enjoyed the day.

Without an in-depth comparison between more Pagan celebrations and that of Christians, and Jews, let me say, I love you all, no matter which Spring holiday you are celebrating.

Rebirth and the renewal of life . . . oh glorious Spring.

Atlantis is rising and we are the age of Aquarius~

For your perusal~


Hidden Origins

The Nature of Reality

Gerald Clark & Rex Bear

Casey Playlist

Did you know that you can dye eggs with blueberries?


Twas the Night Before Yuletide

Happy Holidays friends: Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas, and New Years. I taught my students about Yule and we learned all about Krampus, (I had no idea) the demon who takes naughty children to the underworld. My dear friend, and amazing photographer, Dagmar shared the Yule poem below. I had never heard this, I only know the American one. This is so much better. Peace & Love to you all.



Twas the night before Yuletide and all through the glen

Not a creature was stirring, not a fox, not a hen.

A mantle of snow shone brightly that night

As it lay on the ground, reflecting moonlight.

The faeries were nestled all snug in their trees,

Unmindful of flurries and a chilly north breeze.

The elves and the gnomes were down in their burrows,

Sleeping like babes in their soft earthen furrows.

When low! The earth moved with a thunderous quake,

Causing chairs to fall over and dishes to break.

The Little Folk scrambled to get on their feet

Then raced to the river where they usually meet.

“What happened?” they wondered, they questioned, they probed,

As they shivered in night clothes, some bare-armed, some robed.

“What caused the earth’s shudder? What caused her to shiver?”

They all spoke at once as they stood by the river.

Then what to their wondering eyes should appear

But a shining gold light in the shape of a sphere.

It blinked and it twinkled, it winked like an eye,

Then it flew straight up and was lost in the sky.

Before they could murmur, before they could bustle,

There emerged from the crowd, with a swish and a rustle,

A stately old crone with her hand on a cane,

Resplendent in green with a flowing white mane.

As she passed by them the old crone’s perfume,

Smelling of meadows and flowers abloom,

Made each of the fey folk think of the spring

When the earth wakes from slumber and the birds start to sing.

“My name is Gaia,” the old crone proclaimed

in a voice that at once was both wild and tamed,

“I’ve come to remind you, for you seem to forget,

that Yule is the time of re-birth, and yet…”

“I see no hearth fires, hear no music, no bells,

The air isn’t filled with rich fragrant smells

Of baking and roasting, and simmering stews,

Of cider that’s mulled or other hot brews.”

“There aren’t any children at play in the snow,

Or houses lit up by candles’ glow.

Have you forgotten, my children, the fun

Of celebrating the rebirth of the sun?”

She looked at the fey folk, her eyes going round,

As they shuffled their feet and stared at the ground.

Then she smiled the smile that brings light to the day,

“Come, my children,” she said, “Let’s play.”

They gathered the mistletoe, gathered the holly,

Threw off the drab and drew on the jolly.

They lit a big bonfire, and they danced and they sang.

They brought out the bells and clapped when they rang.

They strung lights on the trees, and bows, oh so merry,

In colors of cranberry, bayberry, cherry.

They built giant snowmen and adorned them with hats,

Then surrounded them with snow birds, and snow cats and bats.

Then just before dawn, at the end of their fest,

Before they went homeward to seek out their rest,

The fey folk they gathered ‘round their favorite oak tree

And welcomed the sun ‘neath the tree’s finery.

They were just reaching home when it suddenly came,

The gold light returned like an arrow-shot flame.

It lit on the tree top where they could see from afar

The golden-like sphere turned into a star.

The old crone just smiled at the beautiful sight,

“Happy Yuletide, my children,” she whispered. “Good night.”


Poem author C.C. Williford


Clare Bertram

Moon Mythology

Forever the book pilgrim today I discovered a little treasure for 99 cents, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, written by, Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould 1834-1924 Edited by, Edward Hardy (1987). Below is an excerpt from The Man in the Moon myth. The book illustrations are all Albrecht Duer.


In Scandinavian mythology Mani, the moon stole two children from their parents, and carried them up to heaven. Their names were Hjuki and Bil. They had been drawing water from the well byrgir, in the bucket Soegr, suspended from the pole Simul, which they bore on their shoulders. These children, pole and bucket, were placed in heaven ‘where they could be seen from earth’. This refers undoubtedly to the spots on the moon, and so the Swedish peasantry explain these spots to this very day (1866) as representing a boy and a girl bearing a pail of water between them. We are once reminded of our nursery rhyme:

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

This verse, which to us at first sight seems nonsense, I have no hesitation in saying has a high antiquity, and refers to the Eddaic Hjuki and Bil. The names indicate as much. Hjuki, in Norse, would be pronounced Juki, which would readily become Jack; and Bil for the sake of euphony, and in order to give a female name to one of the children, would become Jill. The fall of Jack and the subsequent fall of Jill simply represent the vanishing of one moon-spot after another as the moon wanes.

But the old Norse myth had a deeper significance than merely an explanation of the moon-spots. Hjuki is derived from the verb jakka, to leap or pile together, to assemble and increase; and Bil from bila, to break up or dissolve. Hjuki and Bil therefore signify nothing more than the waxing and waning of the moon, and the water they are represented as bearing signifies the fact that the rainfall depends on the phases of the moon. Waxing and waning were individualized, and the meteorological fact of the connexion  of the rain with the moon was represented by children as water-bearers.


Baring-Gould, S. (1987). Curious Myths of the Middle ages. (E. Hardy, Ed.) New York: Crescent Books.

Birth Happiness

Sibelius Violin Concerto

Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!
You registered on WordPress.com 5 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.
Happy Birthday
Blue Butterflies & Me
Happy Birthday om!
The birth of my blog has truly birthed happiness and good friends. Thank you all so much for not only supporting my blog, but for supporting me and my life. I recall making the journey alone from Louisiana to Arizona driving a U-Haul truck and pulling a car in high winds, but I knew that my blog friends were with me and keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. This amazing community has helped me grow spiritually, creatively and consciously. I have made some really great friends here, and I love you all.
Thank you all so very much~

Feel The Rainbow


Well . . . Wow! Happy Solstice everybody, I see many of you enjoyed the poem by my friend HollyRose. Thank you for your support. I do not know if you are all aware of this Cosmic Wave that is literally, and figuratively washing over the planet? I for one was gobsmacked. Even if it is hyperbole it is a powerful visual to work with. I am just going to include a bunch of links for you to view or read as  you so desire. I feel it is a great time to release and to create our new butterfly body (just kidding) but the NEW.

Massive Waves of Energy

Dutch’s Video

A new FB Friend I found fascinating

Jana Dixon

Diane Canfield

Romeo Baron


The Event

I did this meditation with Archangel Raziel, I like the rainbow, the clearing and soon  that goes with this wave.

Archangel Raziel Rainbow Meditation

 Clearing Vows & Contracts from the Akashic Records

Namaste, Peace & Love

Winter Solstice


Solstice draws nigh
dark days, long, longest night
deep remembrance
journey of the soul
moving, ever moving
moving to stand still
still in the darkest light
the most glorious light
light of the undying Sun
standing sill. still point
where we bask breathe
delight in Light, Love
pure beingness
This ever turning play –
dance of dark and light
our soul’s shadow dancing
concealing and revealing
gently, reverently mirroring
cosmic flow and rhythm
of which you and I are part –
One in the eternal dance
movement-Eternal moment
meeting, re-uniting ever again
as One . . . separating, then returning
again and again

HollyRose Gosselin

~Thanks to Holly Rose my FB friend, and sistar~

Solstice facts

Archangel Raziel

 art by Jessica Galbraith

Mid-Winter’s Night

Painting by Kinuko Y. Craft. Oil over watercolor on board. Published by SeaStar Books 2000.Music

Hey everyone. I am wishing that you are all healthy, happy & abundant. I am hoping that you are enjoying the Holiday Season, but if perchance you are one that is troubled by the holidays, I send you extra love. I am going to see A Mid-Winter’s Night Dream, a seasonal transposition of Shakespeare’s classic, at Taliesin West, which was Frank Lloyd Wright’s, Winter home, I am so excited. Going this afternoon.



The Fairy Godmother

Kinuko Y. Craft




Hey everyone. I did the ritual I posted on Tuesday, Day of the Dead, it felt good. It certainly wasn’t my first go at that one, which I do at least once a year. Only one month left in this semester, where does the time go? A girl came into my Shakespeare class last week to talk to us about studying abroad in the UK this summer at Oxford. OMG I want to go. All of July and August taking two English courses, one with an ASU professor and one with an Oxford professor, now of course I  do not have the funds in place to go but I can dream. For our final paper we are directing a Shakespeare play on paper only, I am excited, the tango music, and Jeanne Hepbuterne, are a hint at things.

I recently had a visitation, November 2, which happens to be my friends birthday. I met her through my best friend Roger. She is a Brazilian beauty and a great gal. Roger was well acquainted with the practices and Orisha’s in the Yoruba based religion. Both he and my other best friend were independently of one another, which always sort of blew my mind. I used to joke around about it until they came to me in a dream once, waking me freezing on a very hot night. It was very cheerful and positive but it got my attention. So anyway I am acquainted with them as well now. So on Tuesday night I smell cigar smoke in my house, no open windows, it isn’t coming from outside, rather or not I instantly thought Roger is here with Esu, the orisha. It was very comforting, and then I see so many connecting threads, I have acquired a cigar box collection, and have been listening endlessly to tango. Either way it was so nice feeling Roger send me a sign. If not I am pretending he did.

A very Happy Birthday to Linda at litebeing chronicles.

❤ We love you girl ❤

The Harnessed Bunny


An interesting specific totem archetype surfaced the other day. As I was leaving Hogwarts, which is what I call the Language Arts building at school, I saw a couple sitting under a tree with a bunny on a harness. I didn’t give it much thought other than, “Oh how cute.” You know a typical response. Once home for my couple hour break before returning across town to campus, I decided to read my Fairy tarot, one of the cards I drew was The Prince of Spring (Wands), “On the card the prince rides a rabbit, moving quickly from one adventure to another!” Immediately I observe the synchronicity, and I thought “How curious?” I though “Where is the third?” Then I realized a novel I had just started reading, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, by E. Lockhart, has a protagonist who is called “Bunny rabbit” by her family. So, what does this all mean? I mean it is too odd to mean nothing.

I know standard rabbit symbolism; fertility, abundant sexuality, abundance, so forth and so on. In two instances harnessed, and actually as well in the third with the novel’s heroine, Frankie. Since I will not go into the novel suffice to say, she is restrained by society, by her family, her gender, so forth and so on. In brief the narrative is about a girl, a secret fraternity at a top boarding school, a side of society not many are privy to. Therefore I will look at the symbolism.

I ran across an article I had not read before that seemed primarily to speak to me in this regard.

Rabbit Power Animal Symbol of Creativity, Intuition, Paradox, and Fear

By Ina Woolcott

Rabbit is interpreted in different ways in different cultures. In China, it is one of the astrological animals and linked too good fortune and the moon. People born under Rabbits sign are believed to be artistic and sensitive. The Rabbit is also linked with the goddess Hecate. In some Native American traditions Rabbit is known as the Fear Caller, due to it projecting its fear of those wishing to eat it, and thereby attracting the predators it fears. Ever heard the phrase scared as a rabbit? Well, rabbits are well known as timid, shy and afraid creatures. We can learn from the rabbit that if we are always afraid of something then we may draw/create the very experience we are afraid of in to our lives. Fear sends out a certain vibrational energy that may attract the very thing we fear. Fearful thoughts reproduce (like rabbits) and manifest what we fear. Rabbit people may be afraid of tragedy, illness, and disaster, thereby calling those very fears to them to teach them lessons

If a rabbit lives in constant fear of being eaten by an eagle, then this increases the chances of this happening by sending out negative energy. The rabbit should dedicate his time and energy to becoming clever and cautious in order to outwit the eagle. If the rabbit finds you then ask yourself whether you are worried or afraid of something. Ask yourself what the best way to handle the situation is. Are you able to let go of your fears? Is there a friend who is able to help you, someone whom you trust? Whatever, living with fear is no good for you.

Rabbits are guides into the shadow world, where our personal fears lie. When the rabbit shows up it is time to examine those deep reflexive fears that hold you back from growing. Do you keep bounding for the safety of your old patterns every time something new or challenging presents itself? If the answer is yes, the rabbit asks you to face your fears with compassion for yourself. You must accept that it is part of human nature to feel fear at times, but also believe that our fears need not paralyze our growth and movement.

Rabbit medicine is also very positive, showing us how to attract love, abundance, health, and a warm, dry burrow. We are guided to move through fear, living by our own wits, receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages, quick thinking, strengthening intuition, and paradox. Rabbit represents humility, being quiet and soft and not self-asserting. If you see Rabbit or in any way feel attracted to him, this may be a sign for you to wait for the forces of the universe to start moving again, to stop worrying and to get rid of your fears. Rabbit always indicates a need to re-evaluate the process you are undergoing, to rid yourself of any negative feelings or barriers, and to be more humble.

Rabbits are vegetarians. Though they are eating, they are always alert. They eat the inner bark of saplings and shrubs as well as leaves and fruit, giving a perfect illustration of Nature’s balance. Their rapid rate of reproduction is balanced out by the fact that almost every predatory animal eats them. This power animal may be asking you to examine the kinds of foods you eat. Perhaps a vegetarian diet, only for a short time, can help you strengthen and heal. Generally rabbits are most likely to be seen between dawn and dusk. The sun rising and setting from horizon to horizon has an air of mystery surrounding it. This is the time when the invisible becomes visible and nature spirits are more distinct. Due to the rabbit and the fairy realms being active at the same time of day, rabbit has a strong link with the magic and mystery of other worlds. To enter these worlds requires but a leap of faith. Rabbits are highly sensitive with keen observational skills, granting them strong reflexes that help them dash to safety. In the time it takes to bat an eyelid, they can be seen, disappear and reappear. Fast, agile and clever, they teach us spontaneous decisive movement, always knowing which direction to go and when. When rabbit appears, this may help us to grasp an opportunity that may only present itself for brief moments.

Rabbits tend to move suddenly and unpredictably. They leap and bound their way through life. If rabbit has entered your life, you may find tat your endeavors also go in leaps and bounds. Maybe this is an indication for you to plan more or to check any plans already set in motion. Do not corner yourself. Pay attention to your personal movement. Growth is assured if one is moving in balance with what is occurring in their life. If one moves too fast or too slow an imbalance occurs and growth is stifled.

We are able to realize what a good teacher Rabbit is in showing us that we are the creators of our lives with our thoughts and emotions. Rabbit feels fear and projects it, creating in the external world situations reflecting the inner world of fear. For us, this is an important lesson. Affirmations, involve focusing on what you want in life and positive outcomes. Thoughts have a certain energy frequency, creating a vibration aiding them to become reality. Just as true when you think about and focus on what you don’t want to happen, a lot of the time we don’t even do this on purpose we do it automatically and even subconsciously, gathering strength unknowingly. This makes it extremely necessary to bring our fears into consciousness – into the light, treating them with gentleness.

Rabbit ability of being alert and aware of its surroundings ALL the time, can help us be aware that we ALL have the power to create with our thoughts and to be aware of them, to redirect them on a positive path and to be focused on our dreams, not allowing our focus to be distracted from our intentions with negative emotions, especially from actualizing our wishes and dreams.

Link to article

An appropriate take on my symbolic totem scenario.