A Golden Gift


I am happy I have magical paradigm, one in which I believe. Just yesterday afternoon I had another visitor, a golden dragonfly. He or she positioned them selves on the branch of a Mexican Bird of Paradise with bright orange blossoms, so that the sun hit it perfectly and light it up like am LED light, like a golden gemstone emanating light. It would take off and return finding that same magical position, over and over. A very cool show. I wonder when others see these things if they too think of magic. Right before writing this I saw them again, this time they were flying in and around the fairy house.

I share this from another blogger, The Golden Dragonfly Society.

 Why the Dragonfly?

As a nymph the dragonfly does not impress.
But his transformation to flight is the best.
Agility and lightness on his wings
Foretells the happiness and joy he brings.
Flitting from side to side and up and down
He’s searching for something all around.
With eyes that provide unlimited vision
He serves as a symbol for self revision.
Shifting perspectives, we see different things
Like changing reflections from his flapping wings.
So he is a symbol for life’s transformation
And all that comes from self realization.
Who would have guessed that the dragonfly’s flight
Would mirror our search for the meaning of life!
— Some One

The totem for me is golden (Archangel Gabriel) as it was from the setting sun in the West, golden communications, transformation, and change. Have a blessed week.

Goddess Grid

I am back before it is done. Good news is I passed, so I am done being graded. Today I want to celebrate and send energy to all the sacred sites, and all the goddesses worldwide and beyond into the galaxy. Friday night I picked up a book that has been around for 25 years, The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. I knew most of the concepts and theories represented by the narrative, so I did not bother reading it back then, but everyone else did. I believe everything happens in a divine way when you are following the right leader, your higher-self. The book helped me to further coalesce psychological spiritual concepts regarding energy and living in the world. I felt that I had to finish that book yesterday, so I did.

I do not cotton to war. I am a lover of peace. I intuitively believe that we can assist by sending love to all the goddesses everywhere, nurture the goddess in you. Let us together boost the love and powerful radiance of the Goddess Grid. Send motherly nurturing love to yourself and out to the world. I love you.

If You Ask Me

If You Ask Me                    


Sindy Simms


If you ask me, ask me who

Who would paint a butterfly blue?


If you ask me, ask me who

Who would hang red feathers from string

Who would hear the angels sing?


If you ask me, ask me who

Who would dream a fairy tale

And who would tell it very well?


If you ask me, ask me who

Who would count the stars for you?


I would answer

It is me

I do

I will paint a butterfly blue

I hang red feathers on string

I can hear the angels sing

I can dream a fairy tale

And I can tell it very well

I would count the stars for you


If you ask me, ask me who

It is me

I do







Birth Happiness

Sibelius Violin Concerto

Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!
You registered on WordPress.com 5 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.
Happy Birthday
Blue Butterflies & Me
Happy Birthday om!
The birth of my blog has truly birthed happiness and good friends. Thank you all so much for not only supporting my blog, but for supporting me and my life. I recall making the journey alone from Louisiana to Arizona driving a U-Haul truck and pulling a car in high winds, but I knew that my blog friends were with me and keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. This amazing community has helped me grow spiritually, creatively and consciously. I have made some really great friends here, and I love you all.
Thank you all so very much~

Here I Love You


Here I Love You

Sometimes I get up early and even my soul is wet.
Far away the sea sounds and resounds.
This is a port.

Here I love you.
Here I love you and the horizon hides you in vain.
I love you still among these cold things.
Sometimes my kisses go on those heavy vessels
that cross the sea towards no arrival.
I see myself forgotten like those old anchors.

The piers sadden when the afternoon moors there.
My life grows tired, hungry to no purpose.
I love what I do not have. You are so far.
My loathing wrestles with the slow twilights.
But night comes and starts to sing to me.

The moon turns its clockwork dream.
The biggest stars look at me with your eyes.
And as I love you, the pines in the wind
want to sing your name with their leaves of wire.

Pablo Neruda

Painting by Anna Razumovskaya

Shall We Tango


Gotan Project


Jeanne Hebuterne


I invite you all to cleanse your ancestral, karmic, and Akashic records on Tuesday, November the first, also Dia de Muertos, and All Saints Day. As it is my birthday, Google tells you Happy Birthday, so I decided to click on “I Feel Lucky” and I got this page. I had some alone time and the answers came to me. What past has had an affect on my current life. So I am going to make an alter for my beloved departed but in addition I am going to cleanse and read aloud the Breaking of Vows and Contracts. Which I will add below. I know my sister Leigh has done a lot of work like this. I feel blessed to have the answer to this current life imbalance and know what to do about it. I will invoke the help of Archangel Raziel, it is his area of specialty, as well as Archangel Michael and well, all of the archangels of love & light.



All of our soul experiences – from every lifetime and in every dimension – reside in the Akashic records. Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means “essence”, and the Akashic records hold the essence of our souls because the records contain every experience we have ever had. We are the cumulative expression of the contents of these records.

Sometimes, the Akashic records contain information in the form of vows that were initially useful to our soul growth but are no longer pertinent. We have gotten the gist of the lesson, and we do not need to continue to live with the vows in place. I call this a regurgitation of soul experiences because the agreement is more detrimental than helpful, yet we continue to create the same occurrences over and over again as we subconsciously tap the Akashic records for information on our commitments.

For example, we may have led a hedonistic lifestyle in order to experience carefree frivolity in a particular past lifetime. We might choose to enter a subsequent life as a nun in a convent to experience chastity and ensure we pay attention to aspects far removed from hedonism, perhaps demureness and modesty. That vow of chastity was very helpful in our lifetime devoted to being innocent, but it may not be too useful our modern male or female lifestyle in the 21st century.

The Akashic records also contain vows we have made to collectives or cults. We live on a planet of polarity so it is part of our soul growth to experience duality. We may live a life as a perpetrator in one lifetime, perhaps a Ku Klux Klan member, and a life as a victim in another lifetime, perhaps a person of color in the deep south in the 1950’s. The richness of each extreme on the duality spectrum enables us to experience each aspect of light and dark. After living the extremes, we are able to find the middle ground, the place of neutrality where judgment and lack of balance is no longer a factor. We have played both perpetrator and victim. We have experienced both sides of the coin, and we can now identify the mid-point which is our responsible use of power. Yet, during lifetimes of playing a perpetrator, we may have made agreements with dark entities who fuel our negativity. It is best to break those ties if we wish to be free of any potential dark influence. Entities who operate in darkness sometimes call upon us if we hold past unbroken vows in the Akashic records. They cannot do so if the agreements no longer exist.

We may also have made planetary commitments that seemed like a good idea at the time. We might have decided to enslave an emerging race of beings for our benefit. We certainly are capable of this act, as past lifetimes as slave owners in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, or even America would indicate. However, at this stage of our spiritual development, the enslavement of a planetary population might not be in our highest good. The guilt or shame that accompanies past actions still resides in the soul memory system, accompanied by vows or agreements that still remain in the Akashic records.

Sometimes, we are fearful, and we make vows in order to gain protection. For example, we may fear for our sustenance as a tidal wave or earthquake devastates our village, and we may proclaim with great emotional fervor to be loyal to anyone who will save our family. However, there is a law of attraction under which we operate, and like attracts like. When we make vows based on fear, those vows are sometimes accepted by entities who profess goodness but do not deliver it. We may have unwittingly made a vow with a negative entity that initially pretends to help us, but life becomes harder and harder. These entities may even follow us from incarnation to incarnation, unintentionally hired by us until we “discover” them and break the vows in the Akashic records.

I believe it is a good idea to periodically clear past vows in the Akashic records. You can use the following prayer request to sweep the records clean of any agreements that are no longer in your highest good. Prior to reading the request, you will need to instruct your subconscious to create a “surcharge” of vital force (i.e., mana, prana, chi). Then breathe deeply six times using the following pattern: inhale slowly to the count of four, hold to the count of four, exhale slowly to the count of eight. This is an ancient Polynesian or Kahuna breathing pattern that generates a great deal of vital force. Please note that vital force is not the breath itself. It is the combustion of energy that occurs when oxygen enters the body and interacts with the stored fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in your cells. Command your subconscious to send the vital force to your spiritual committee and High Self to be used to enact the following request in clearing your Akashic records. Then, read the request aloud.

1) Disavow any promises, contracts, vows, oaths, spells, pacts, bindings, or agreements that I have ever made that are conflicting with my highest good, including vows that are adversely affecting me presently or will not serve my highest good in the future and in all concepts of time on all dimensions, in this life or any other life. Please assist me in disavowing these vows and agreements so they are no longer a restricting device on me. I ask that all restrictions be lifted and eliminated so that I can expand and align with my higher path and purpose.

 2) Sever and make null and void at root cause any promises, contracts, vows, oaths, spells, pacts, bindings, or agreements between me and all entities causing interference. These include all that may be secret, hidden, invisible, covert, unseen, unheard, unknown, unacknowledged, and undisclosed. Remove all operating systems and instructions, including backup systems and copies. Retain all learning experiences free of trauma. Conduct a full binding on all negative entities.

3) Sever all vows and contracts that I have made, either knowingly or unknowingly, that have interfered with Universal love, light, and truth for any planetary system. Include contracts that are perceived to be irrevocable. Release me from all judgments, pain, and guilt associated with creating or participating in these agreements, transmuting the discord to love before releasing it.

Over the ensuing months, pay attention to times when you feel freedom from any limitations or restrictions. Focus on the freedom because it is communicating the dissolution of the restricting elements of past vows. Encourage the freedom as a precursor to new ways of being rather than resorting to past habits based on limitations imposed by vows. Enjoy your new way of being!

Anne Brewer

Fay Dreams



Young at Heart

The Land of Heart’s Desire

William Butler Yeats


“Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,

For I would ride with you upon the wind,

Run on the top of the dishevelled tide,

And dance upon the mountains like a flame.”

Play Reading





Well now that was quick, but not painless. I just completed the online, eight week, instead of sixteen week, Survey of British Literature after 1800. Talk about self-study. Talk about fast paced. Oh brother, but I knew I could do it, and it is done. I certainly will spend more time with this literature. I love most all of it. As well as the Romantic, and Transcendentalist in America, and those associated; Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville too. My head is swimming with it all. Concurrently been in the application process for ASU, and all going swimmingly, all transcripts are in, and I hit a snag, after 3 years, and 3 months, apparently to them, I am a non-resident. UGH! Don’t even ask but I have to appeal it. Just send me good mojo please.

So I want to pick a parting poem in honorarium, and celebration., but what shall it be? I shared something by most all studied but William Wordsworth, he deserves a spot. One of the so called “Lucy Poems.”

She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways

William Wordsworth

She dwelt among the untrodden ways
         Beside the springs of Dove,
A Maid whom there were none to praise
         And very few to love:
A violet by a mossy stone
         Half hidden from the eye!
—Fair as a star, when only one
         Is shining in the sky.
She lived unknown, and few could know
         When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and, oh,
         The difference to me!

Super New Moon In Pisces

Blond mermaid16

Cake By the Ocean

Great article on Elephant Journal, I really did not know this, and found it really amusing I have had this thing for mermaids lately. This astrological forecast just made So much since of all that is going on, mostly good. A very interesting time. My Survey class in British Literature after 1800, is just moving along at break neck speed, every Monday, and Friday I delve deep into this lush, and sumptuous material. Tonight my head is swimming after reading, and writing on, Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott, and Ulysses, Robert Browning’s, The Last Duchess, and Lewis Carrol’s, Jaberwocky.

I diverged, but its fitting. I will just post a bit of the article, but follow the link to read the full article. Really insightful.


I love you



Super New Moon in Pisces: Dreams Can Come True

The amazing thing with this moon is that everything we truly want is waiting for us—if we are brave enough to do the work to get it.

Everything we’ve dreamed about is only one step away—yet that step is an immense one.

By: Kate Rose

On Tuesday March 8th there will be an emotional and dynamic super new moon in Pisces.

Often, supermoons are overlooked when they occur at the new moon because there isn’t the grand display in the sky—yet it truly is a momentous time of intense energies and new possibilities.

A supermoon is when the moon literally is closer to earth, and if visible, it could appear up to 30% larger in the sky.

New moons are a time of beginnings when we are encouraged to plant the seeds of what we hope to manifest within the new lunar cycle.

Combining this Pisces new moon with a supermoon signifies that it’s not just a new beginning, but a new life direction altogether.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and embodies qualities of all the signs, yet she is most well known for being sensitive, romantic and in touch with her deepest emotions.

She is the underwater goddess that helps us to believe in the impossible.

Because Pisces influences our ability to dive deep into our emotions, we will become brave enough to finally face our inner wounds and heal them once and for all.

Continue reading here.

Odes of Inspiration


 Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to the West Wind

Odes of Inspiration


Sindy Simms

In two classic “odes” by Romance poets, John Keats, and Percy Bysshe Shelley, nature is the muse of inspiration. The artistic movement in literature of the Romantic era emphasized nature, beauty, and meditation connecting the artist to a liberated state. The new Enlightenment philosophies of German philosophers, like Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) greatly influenced the expansion of thought, art, architecture, and literature. The French Revolution became an exciting catalyst for change. The Romance poets free thinking allowed for solitude in nature to inspire their artistic souls. Both Keats, and Shelley used the poetic form of the ode, to personify something immortal in nature. The two poets, Keats, and Shelley share the idea of the immortality of art transposed in their odes as an element of nature.

In John Keats, “Ode to a Nightingale,” the nightingale is a symbol of beauty, freedom, and immortality, the night itself a soothing pool of darkness, “. . .in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet/Wherewith the seasonable month endows,” (Keats) a place of solitude as in meditation from which art springs. It is only in this state of quiet repose that the speaker can find solace from the mundane world to become inspired by the song that awakens him from somnambulism, “Forlorn! the very word is like a bell/To toll me back from thee to my sole self” (Keats). The nightingale is a symbol of the immortality of art, as John Keats desires of his poetry.

Similarly, in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s, “Ode to the West Wind” the poet uses metaphysical notions, and invokes the wild west wind, to come and dust away old paradigms, and forms in art, archaic styles that bind, he beseeches the wind they be blown away, “Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead/Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,” (Shelley). He incants the wind to scatter his words in the universe, “Drive my dead thoughts over the universe/Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth” (Shelley). The seasonal theme of nature’s ever changing yet eternal self is reflective of Shelley wishes in regards to art, and poetry, and to his poetry having its own continuity, and power.

The final line of Keats, ode, ask a philosophical question of enlightenment, “Was it a vision, or a waking dream?/Fled is that music:—Do I wake or sleep?” (Keats). The Romance poet’s philosophy, of the evolution of poetry, is of transcendence, freedom, and liberation. Both Keats, and Shelley’s metaphysical visions were inspired by natures beauty, Keats, by her tranquility, and Shelley by her shear power to cause sweeping change.


*This  short essay was written on the spot for an exam last Monday
